Health sector and academia united for MAS Wellbeing processes

Health sector and academia united for MAS Wellbeing processes
Health sector and academia united for MAS Wellbeing processes

He District Secretary of Health, Gerson Bermont, attended the Academic Committee of the Bogotá Health Observatorywhere he spoke about the need to implement an interoperable information system for the District, led by the Observatory, that covers data from all sectors, in order to improve administration management, especially in health.

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“We are negotiating an instrument with the entire District that allows us to do a global data analysis to identify vulnerability and risks and thus carry out effective interventions that respond to the needs of the population. In several sectors we have good observatories, but these together help maximize our attention to the people of Bogotá,” explained Bermont.

The Secretary added that this initiative arises in parallel with the new health model proposed for Bogotá, MORE Wellbeing: “Primary Social Care is based on an operational strategy that requires very powerful information systems to know what the real conditions of those individuals, of those families and of those communities and thus offer solutions to them.”

This meeting was attended by representatives of the universities: Javeriana, Nacional, de los Andes, del Rosario, Juan N. Corpas y Sábana, who agreed with Bermont’s initiative and applauded the work carried out with the Observatory’s version SaluData 2.0.which currently handles over 25 billion records.

“I have navigated the new platform and we congratulate them on the work, it is agile and easy to access. However, as we understand the importance of capturing citizen data in real time, adding a new technology tool such as machine learning would strengthen the Observatory as a main source of academic consultation and for the proposal of new public policies,” he said. Carlos Trillos, delegate of the Universidad del Rosario.

(Don’t leave without reading: Get a free flu vaccine in Bogotá: know the authorized points)

Everyone can navigate and learn about the Bogotá Health Observatory, Saludata, by entering

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