Justice of San Juan requested $14,000,000 for the rental of coffee machines

Justice of San Juan requested $14,000,000 for the rental of coffee machines
Justice of San Juan requested $14,000,000 for the rental of coffee machines

The call from the Court of Justice of San Juan to rent coffee machines for almost $14,000,000 for Courts generated controversy in the sector. Both the Lawyers Forum and the San Juan Judicial Union union expressed their questions about this decision, due to the economic context and the salary claims that judicial workers have been expressing in recent weeks.

The Court called for a private tender on May 17, which is numbered 02/24. This tender aims to contract the rental service of two coffee vending machines for one year, with a budget of $13,990,000. This service is intended for the Court of Justice and the Prosecutor’s Office of the Court of San Juan, as indicated in the official information. The document has the signature of all the ministers of the Court and the Attorney General, Eduardo Quattropani.

The president of the San Juan Lawyers Forum, Franco Montes, expressed his surprise and dissatisfaction with the recent decision of the highest court, chaired by Marcelo Lima. Montes pointed out that, although the Judiciary is autonomous in terms of its budget, the decision made does not seem to be in line with the current situation, in which everyone is adjusting to the circumstances. Furthermore, he mentioned that these measures could generate unrest, both among lawyers and among employees of the Judiciary.

On the other hand, the head of the judicial employees’ union, Sebastián López, expressed his dissatisfaction with the situation, indicating that “the Court had sent the police to prevent them from accessing the building” during a recent demonstration, and then he know this news. López also expressed his concern about the lack of consideration for the Judicial Union in making these decisions, considering them an “institutional insult.”

López emphasized that these decisions reflect a lack of understanding of the political and social moment, especially in the midst of mobilization and widespread discontent. He concluded by expressing his shock and disappointment at the apparent disconnection from reality in making these decisions. For this reason they are going to demonstrate during the morning of this Wednesday.


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