They closed the doors to insecurity in Puente Barco

They closed the doors to insecurity in Puente Barco
They closed the doors to insecurity in Puente Barco

In Cucutaone of the greatest concerns of citizens is the constant increase in unsafetyin some sectors more palpable than in others.

However, it must be recognized that municipal administrations have also implemented measures aimed at mitigating this social probleml.

This is the case of the neighborhood Boat Bridgelocated in commune 10 of Cúcuta.

The community had been denouncing the consumption of drugsdrug sales and fights with knives that they had to witness due to their proximity to a rainwater channel that runs through the area.

According to the neighbors, this structure was the epicenter of all your problemssince it had become a ‘refuge’ for street residents, who came to the place to relieve themselves, consume narcotics, at the same time that they used a nearby playground as a rest area.

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The neighbors of this sector stated that they were repeatedly victims of crimesince this channel was also an escape route for criminals.

“Between 20 to 30 inhabitants from the street they gathered every day to do their thing on the channel. There was not a day that we were calm in our homes, there were always disputes, consumption of hallucinogens, robberies, it was a Worrying situation”mentioned Fernando Bautista, resident of the sector.

The above, added to the proximity of this channel with the Christ the King monumentone of the most touristic places in the city, contributed to the authorities putting their eyes on the place.

An intervention

This situation began to come to an end after the installation of a fence that the Mayor’s Office ordered to install in the canal, thereby preventing street residents from entering the canal. The residents of the sector described the measure as correct.

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In order to know why this preventive measure was carried out, The opinion contacted the infrastructure secretary and it was learned that the execution of this action was carried out within the framework of a work that involved the maintenance and improvement of the Puente Barco park.

This park was located on the rainwater channel, which is why an intervention was also necessary, since the place was cataloged as a critical point due to the presence of street residents, who were turning the place into a “pot”, in addition to the fact that the lighting was very precarious.

For the community, this corrective measure was beneficialsince they assured that insecurity in the area has decreased.

Indeed, there is still the presence of street dwellers, but compared to previous months, the panorama becomes different, he indicated. Pompeyo Ortizpresident of the JAC de Puente Barco.

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