Pablo Moyano exploded because the leadership did not join the march and Cristina got involved

Pablo Moyano exploded because the leadership did not join the march and Cristina got involved
Pablo Moyano exploded because the leadership did not join the march and Cristina got involved

The CGT will not march together this Wednesday to Congress to repudiate Javier Milei’s Base Law in the midst of its treatment in the Senate. The photo will stage in public the strong internal crisis occurred in the union headquarters after the general strike on May 9 as part of an escalation of short circuits and disputes that left the leadership one step away from a new break.

The Pablo Moyano’s confrontational offensive and the toughest unions, for many expressly encouraged by Cristina and Máximo Kirchnercollided squarely with the commitment of the moderates who are the majority in the union leadership to prioritize the consolidation of a dialogue with the Government and strengthened a division that threatens to completely sweep away the forced unity of the entity.

The fear of the acceleration of a rupture outcome forced Héctor Daer, one of the leaders of the leadership triumvirate, to bring forward his return from Geneva to the weekendwhere he had traveled to accompany the union delegation that harshly denounced the libertarian adjustment in full ILO assembly. After stopping in Madrid to accompany the closing of the campaign of Pedro Sánchez, who ended up defeated by the PP on Sunday in the elections for the European Parliament, as soon as he arrived in Buenos Aires on Sunday the leader began a round of informal conversations with his Cegetist peers to try to decompress the tension and avoid a shock without return. “We must make an effort to calm the waters, this is not the time for meaningless fights,” they said near the Health official.

The containment exercise, which other union members also embody, will not be easy: the internal boiling grew in recent days hand in hand with the decision of the union leadership not to formally accompany the mobilization to Congress against the Bases Law and leave each union free of action to join the protest. Pablo Moyano reacted in flames against that decision and he led an almost personal operation to compromise the participation of the majority of the unions in the demonstration, in a maneuver with which he also sought to disavow the dialogueists’ strategy.

Unlike his father Hugo Moyano, who – as La Nación reported – maintains a moderate stance towards Milei’s management and favors the unity of the CGT, the number two of Camioneros distanced himself from the rest of the union leadership and called two meetings to prepare for the protest: On Monday he met at the Azopardo headquarters a plenary session of regional Cegetistas that had little participation due to the vacuum ordered by the rest of the leadership and on Friday he rubbed shoulders with unionists, leaders and political leaders from the K world and leftist sectors. From that stage he issued the strong warning against the senators: “They either become heroes or traitors“This Monday he replied to the threat and, after rejecting a fracture of the labor union, he made a striking clarification for his union peers: “Cristina did not call me to mobilize,” he assured.

The explanation was not at all coincidental. Throughout the weekend, various Cegetist voices directly attributed to pressure from Cristina unchecks Pablo Moyano of the rest of the leadership of the labor union and its offensive to guarantee a strong mobilization on Wednesday in the middle of the Senate session.

According to the comments that were replicated among the union bosses, the former vice president had asked her son Máximo Kirchner to intercede with the Cegetista leaders most related to their space, in addition to Moyano Jr., the metallurgist Abel Furlán, Smata’s second Mario Manrique and to the banker Sergio Palazzo, to break the resistance of the majority of the union leadership to officially join the protest. Pablo, then, accelerated to press for the march in response to Cristina’s request.

From the moderate sector, some leaders such as Andrés Rodríguez, They reproached Moyano’s attack and disavowed his movements. Other union members rejected that the truck driver and other leaders have cut themselves off based on Cristina’s proposal and accepted that some union members have the need to mobilize to respond to the pressure from the bases of their own unions. “We are not going to start discussing the march because we are not going to divide ourselves, it doesn’t solve anything. Some will mobilize more and others less,” sought to pacify one of the main leaders of the Cegetista board of directors in dialogue with Clarion.

Another leader of the moderate sector shared the same position: “Wednesday is not the end, this is day by day, many are going to mobilize because they have their own needs,” he justified. The union member gave his thumbs down to any possibility of the CGT moving forward in the short term with the definition of a new general strike against Milei, although he also raised strong doubts about the Government’s effective commitment to deepen the gestures of rapprochement with the union leadership. .

For some weeks now some informal talks and exchanges happen with the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, the all-terrain advisor Santiago Caputo and the Secretary of Labor, Julio Cordero, the only official who traveled to the ILO summit in Geneva, where he shares meetings with unionists, but in the CGT they distrust the concrete result of that incipient dialogue.

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