Health and the Municipality of Tafí Viejo articulate joint work towards the well-being of the community

Health and the Municipality of Tafí Viejo articulate joint work towards the well-being of the community
Health and the Municipality of Tafí Viejo articulate joint work towards the well-being of the community

The Minister of Public Health, Dr. Luis Medina Ruiz, met this Tuesday with the mayor of Tafí Viejo, Alejandro Rodríguez, with the aim of addressing articulated work between the municipality and the ministry, in pursuit of community health care. .

“This was a meeting that we had already been scheduling because we want to continue working as a team with Siprosa through the polyclinic, in Tafí Viejo we have a municipal polyclinic so we are analyzing the possibilities to continue working together, encouraging our doctors so that they can continue providing their services in this situation that we know is difficult, not only for the municipalities, but also for the province,” he began by commenting Rodriguez.

The Tafí polyclinic has outpatient clinics, as well as an on-call service, dentistry, ophthalmology, pediatrics, laboratory and pharmacy: “This service is quite extensive and its service offering has also been growing in this time, we have new equipment such as ultrasound machines to respond to the neighbors and the idea is that Siprosa can help us to be able to support the rest of the doctors.”

Rodríguez also commented that mental health is a topic that is treated with the relevance it has: “We inaugurated a mental health center approximately a month ago in a place that we prioritized, where only addiction problems were treated and now we are expanding the assistance, It is already a mental health center with improvements in availability for people who suffer from these pathologies and to accompany them we have psychiatrists and psychologists.”

“The balance of this meeting was very positive, we had already been chatting with the minister Luis Medina Ruiz, but through this meeting we moved forward, we had always been working together with Siprosa. I was accompanied by the director of Public Health of the Municipality, a doctor Laura Machioni and the deputy director, doctor Lourdes Ceballos”, he concluded.

The Undersecretary of Health, Dr. Marcelo Montoya.

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