Pullaro renewed claims to the Nation for works, subsidies, medicines and food for Santa Fe

Pullaro renewed claims to the Nation for works, subsidies, medicines and food for Santa Fe
Pullaro renewed claims to the Nation for works, subsidies, medicines and food for Santa Fe

New claim from the Government of Santa Fe to the Nation

Governor Maximiliano Pullaro referred this Thursday to the sanction of the Law Bases in the Senate of the Nation, approved after an extensive debate. In this context, The president renewed demands to the Nation for works, subsidies, medicines and food for Santa Fe.

The Santa Fe president said that the norm “It is important so that the national government can begin to gain momentum; It is also a message to the markets, and it will allow us to receive investments, mainly from abroad, and our economies can begin, so I value it positively.”

In addition, Pullaro insisted on his claim to the Nation: We would like to have the support of the national government; to give us the resources that came before, subsidies to transportation, to the educational system, to cut public works, to high-cost medicines, to food. We are supporting that, we are even repairing national routes with our own funds, something that does not correspond to us, when the Province continues to contribute three times more to the National State than it returns.”

However, he clarified that “We are never going to stop managing or defending the province of Santa Fe, or fighting for the resources that we understand we deserve and that are ours, but the province of Santa Fe is not going to kneel before anyone, because it is A strong province, which has a unique productive capacity, which has universities and knowledge, is a province that manages to move forward beyond the difficulties, with which we are going to continue managing and demanding, but we are going to fulfill the objective that has been set. proposed by our government and that we are achieving it little by little, day by day: our government is austerity, efficiency and order, and in that sense we are going to move forward.”


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