Argentina describes the construction of facilities in Chile as an ‘error’ and assures that removal will not ‘be possible’ until the summer

The ambassador of Argentina in Santiago, Jorge Faurierecognized that there was an error in the construction of the Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post Milestone 1 of the Argentina Army which occupies more than three meters on the Big Island of Tierra del Fuego in Chile and indicated that moving that structure will not be possible at this time and that we would have to wait until summer.

As published Infodefensa.comhe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile A few days ago, it sent a formal communication to the Argentine Foreign Ministry to clarify and resolve this situation that affects the bilateral relationship in the southern tip of America.

The location of part of the solar panels is the cause of this difference between both countries. Argentine Navy Signature

The facility was inaugurated on April 29 and includes two housing modules of 60 m² each donated by the Mirgor Foundation and energy equipment provided by Total Energies. Part of the solar panels were located meters from Cabo del Espíritu Santo, in the southern part of the Strait of Magellan in Chile.

The fact was verified on the ground by the Directorate of Borders and Limits (Difrol) of Chile, awaiting a prompt response from the trans-Andean authorities that lifted the Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post Milestone 1 without prior notice to its Chilean counterpart.

Call for tranquility

The Argentine ambassador Jorge Faurie pointed out in an interview with Radio Bio Bio of Chile that this fact “was a material error because whoever installed the solar panels is a company that donated those panels (…) was guided by a fence from a room in the area.”

Faurie recognized the problem caused by that company in the siting of part of those structures of the Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post Milestone 1 on the Chilean side, stating that “it should have been guided by the satellite coordinates that demarcate limits (…)”

Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post Milestone 1. Signature of the Argentine Navy

Despite the complexity of this situation, the Argentine diplomatic representative stated in the Radio Bio Bio “The issue is that moving them, at this time, would not be possible. We would have to wait for the summer.”

In this scenario, the ambassador pointed out that there is an alternative “that we are considering and talking to the Chilean authorities”, which would be “that those panels that are electricity providers could also supply the Chilean side, which would be useful for the garrison.” that they have there.”

Despite the fact, Faurie called for calm, ensuring that “it is not such an impressive work, it is some solar panels placed but they did not check carefully what the coordinates were that marked the limit.”

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