The public media remained under the orbit of Manuel Adorni, who confirmed the decision to close Télam: “It is being dismantled”

The public media remained under the orbit of Manuel Adorni, who confirmed the decision to close Télam: “It is being dismantled”
The public media remained under the orbit of Manuel Adorni, who confirmed the decision to close Télam: “It is being dismantled”

The public media fell under the orbit of Manuel Adorniwho confirmed that the decision of the Government of Javier Milei is move forward with the closure of the Télam agency. “It has been dismantled since the day I announced it,” said the spokesperson in his press conference this Tuesday.

“The Chief of Staff, which is in charge of public companies, made the decision to restructure itself with the help of its owner, Guillermo Francos. All public companies are going to move into the orbit of whoever corresponds to them as a matter of competence. Indeed, Télam, content, public media, They become dependent on Communication, an area for which I am responsible. The plan remains exactly the same: Télam is effectively its closure“, held.

The spokesperson stated that the Government is waiting for the decision made by the National Congress regarding public media, in the midst of the discussion of the modifications in the privatization chapter of the Base Law.

“Our decision is that all public companies travel the path of privatization. What I am saying is not new. Everything we said we were going to do, we are going to do within what policy allows and what the law allows. We are going to move forward in everything. Télam too, is in process. It has been dismantled since the day I announced it.“, he claimed.

This Monday, March 4, the Télam news agency stopped working, after the closure announcement that President Javier Milei had made in his speech before the Legislative Assembly. The website was taken down, the two buildings appeared fenced and the employees were “dismissed” for a period that was renewed, while a withdrawal system was opened.

In another part of the conference, the presidential spokesperson referred to the latest report from the International Monetary Fund, which worsened the prediction of the fall in economic activity for this year.


The Government confirmed that it is going to propose a long-term plan with the IMF: “We do not have an end date for the stocks.”

“The estimates that the IMF has always made, like any other multilateral organization, of course do not correspond to us and are not made by us. We may be more or less in agreement, but of course we respect them. They are third party projections,” he pointed out. .

Regarding the meetings that the head of state held days ago with the managing director of the IMF, Kristalina Georgieva, Adorni detailed: “One was the bilateral meeting itself and two informal meetings. In all of them, the head of the organization showed optimism so happens in Argentina.”

“If we have been serial defaulters with anyone, it is with the IMF throughout our last 60 or 70 years. Seeing how we are meeting the goals and moving toward a new agreement is of course promising,” he said.

Along these lines, the national official specified: “The truth is that beyond the number and the fact that there is a drop in the annual inflation forecast that fell from 150% to 140%, the interesting thing is that the path is the correct one. and that we all agree that the north we are looking for is indeed correct.

“We understand that the lowest point of activity has already passed and we began to see some green traffic lights, still with a huge way to go. Of course this is going to be a year of economic contraction, these are the numbers we are seeing. But you have to watch the whole movie and understand how high the flames were of the hell that we encountered on December 10 and that we are trying to get out of,” he argued.

Regarding the possibility of lifting the exchange rate limit, Adorni specified that to achieve it they depend on “many free decisions of the people, of the market”, so “specifying a date for lifting the limit goes against” the Executive’s position. national.

“By giving more freedom, it depends less and less on us. Until we have resolved the issue of the Central Bank accounts, we cannot lift the stocks.“, he stated.

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