Education, Health and the IPLA join forces to prevent alcohol consumption in minors

Education, Health and the IPLA join forces to prevent alcohol consumption in minors
Education, Health and the IPLA join forces to prevent alcohol consumption in minors

The signature, which bears the signature of Minister Susana Montaldo, Minister Luis Medina Ruiz and the head of the IPLA, Dante Loza; seeks to generate means of collaboration and reciprocal assistance aimed at the planning and implementation of activities in educational establishments to obtain a positive and lasting impact on the health and well-being of students, promoting a healthy lifestyle free of addictions, raising awareness among students about the risks and consequences caused by the misuse of alcohol, tobacco and any other addictive substance.

During the meeting, he was accompanied by the Undersecretary of Legal and Technical Assistance, Facundo Juez Pérez.

Taking care of young people is very important because we see that alcohol consumption has proliferated and we are distressed by all the consequences that this brings. It seemed to us of fundamental importance to unite these three institutions to address the problem with common strategies: visits to schools, raising awareness not only among young people, but also among parents because education is a collaborative work between families and the school, and All society. We are developing teaching material for this objective,” summarized the minister.

In turn, Luis Medina Ruiz, added “We see a regrettable reality where young people increasingly consume alcohol and sometimes it is not necessary for addiction to occur, but once it is taken in excess it can cause an alcoholic coma or a road accident.” and many irreversible eventualities. This joint work agreement raises awareness so that young people know how to say no and are clear about what is right or wrong.”

Finally, Dante Loza closed: “In line with what the governor, Osvaldo Jaldo, asked to work as a present State, we want to be inflexible in complying with the law. We have compliance laws in place for businesses selling alcohol and a strict prohibition on the sale of alcohol to minors. We want to tell parents to help us because the first education is at home and to businesses not to sell alcohol to minors because the sanctions will be important, we want them to help us prevent consumption by minors.”

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