93% of university students used one of the applications although 86% know that it is illegal

All the actors that make up the city’s transportation system will participate in this dialogue table. In this area, an attempt will be made to achieve consensus to add the applications to a subsystem parallel to that of taxis and remises.

In that sense, it is necessary to know what the perspective of transport users is in Santa Fe to apply the best public policies. In that direction, the Coastal University Federation (FUL) conducted a survey through its social networks, the results of which are revealing.

READ MORE ► “We are willing to adapt to the rules,” they say from a travel application that provides irregular service in Santa Fe

council of santa fe

The discussion will take place within the framework of a dialogue table that will operate within the scope of the Public Services and Transportation commission of the local Legislative Branch.

The work, carried out through the FUL social networks, indicates that 93% of the students surveyed have used or frequently use the applications. Of that percentage, 86% are aware that the use of applications in Santa Fe is not legal.

However, 86% of those who use the applications also have a positive evaluation of the service. Most rated it 8 or above on a scale of 1 to 10.

As for the benefits generated by the use of applications, Those surveyed highlighted that given the economic situation, 60% use these means due to the rates. 23% do it for the speed of the service and 8% for the quality. Likewise, they use them because they have GPS tracking and another because they know the cost of the trip in advance.

Regarding the negative points, users mentioned the discomfort of having to travel in the passenger seat to avoid municipal controls and concern about insecurity.

When asked about the reasons that led them to do the survey, the president of the FUL, Franco Maggi said to AIR that “we were called to dialogue at the beginning of the year and one of the points on the agenda was the regulation of travel applications.”

And he added: “A few weeks ago we were summoned again and we thought it was important to contribute and make the debate richer. That is why we decided to propose this survey to hear the opinions of the students.” “It is a difficult issue – that of travel applications – that is being discussed in several cities not only in Argentina, but in the world,” he acknowledged.

“We are willing to adapt to the rules,” they say from a travel application

One of the proposals made from the Municipality of Santa Feand the representatives of the taxi and remises systems, to the travel applications that intend to operate legally in the urban ejido is that they adapt to local regulations and comply with the corresponding tax obligations.

READ MORE ► Travel applications in Santa Fe: the round of consultations for their regulation begins on Monday

This discussion began in the city of Santa Fe a few years ago, especially after the pandemic, due to the deep crisis that hit the transportation system due to the drop in passenger levels. Now, with the change of management in the Santa Fe municipality, it is intended to move forward with the regulation of the applications, especially taking into account that, in fact, they already operate irregularly.

In contact with AIRfrom the transnational company Maxim They announced that they are willing to adapt to current local regulations and that they are committed to equitable competition. Daniel Segovia, public relations specialist at Maxim in Argentina, highlighted that “We are willing to adapt to the rules, and that is just enough to be able to compete fairly”.

Segovia gave as an example the regulations sanctioned in Mendoza, where “both the application and the drivers must pay the corresponding taxes, such as monthly inspection fees.”


The multinational company Maxim announced that it is willing to adapt to current local regulations.

READ MORE ► Given the advance of travel applications, the mayor of Santa Fe Juan Pablo Poletti insists on regulating their use

“Maxim helps its driver partners with the respective process and the control or monitoring of these payments. Which would not be an exception in Santa Fe,” added the specialist. Maxim’s representative assured that until now they have not been contacted to participate in the dialogue table opened by the Municipal Council.

In any case, he was interested in being part of the debate and stressed that “Like Maxim, we are experts in the topic of app-based transportation platforms and we are willing to contribute with our experience to improve mobility in the city”.

Regarding the improvements to the transport system that applications can bring, Segovia explained that “in many cities around the world they have optimized the way in which citizens move, offering safer, faster and cheaper alternatives.

In addition, application-based transportation platforms facilitate the regulation and control of the service, improving quality and safety for users.”

“Our objective is to collaborate with the municipality to offer solutions that contribute to the development and modernization of the urban transportation system in Santa Fe,” Segovia remarked, while highlighting that the company has a draft with proposals for the development of regulations.

Applications: the round of consultations for their regulation begins on Monday

The roundtable discussion for the regulation of travel apps in the city of Santa Fe already has a formal start date: it will be next Monday – July 1 – at 10:30 a.m. at the Municipal Council.

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The dialogue table for the regulation of travel applications in the city of Santa Fe already has a formal start date: it will be next Monday -July 1- at 10:30.

The dialogue table for the regulation of travel applications in the city of Santa Fe already has a formal start date: it will be next Monday -July 1- at 10:30.

READ MORE ► Adriana “Chuchi” Molina: “There are neighbors who ask for an Uber and a taxi appears”

On the other hand, on Thursday, in the session of the legislative body, the first report on the status of the transportation system will be presented.

After some attempts by travel application companies to establish themselves in the city without official authorization, the local Legislative Branch approved the call for a broad debate between the different actors that would allow clear rules to be established. That is, a round of consultations will be opened with all the actors involved in the issue of passenger transportation.

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