They reinforce the distribution of firewood and gas vouchers in communities and rural areas throughout the province

Coordination with the competent areas and the authorities of each locality was crucial to meet the demands of the populations affected by the snowstorm in the province.

The Secretary of Culture, Inclusion and Community Management, Miryan Abojer, reported that due to the snow storm that mostly affects the interior of the province, the Firewood Operation and the distribution of gas vouchers were reinforced.

“Our priority is to assist families that do not have the necessary resources and collaborate to satisfy their needs for heating and cooking food at times when inclement weather is not favorable,” said the official.

He highlighted that, thanks to the political decision of the governor, Rolando Figueroa, and the Minister of Human Development, Local Governments and Women, Julieta Corroza, to advance the distribution of firewood in rural areas and Indigenous Communities, “attentive to the snow storm , and in coordination with the company Corfone SA, we carried out reinforcement in the homes of the elderly to guarantee the supply of firewood.”

Coordination with the competent areas together with the authorities of each locality was decisive in meeting the demands of the populations affected by the snow storm.

Abojer reported that, during the tour they took with Minister Corroza, they saw that the most affected area and the most difficult to access is the North. However, he maintained, “it was possible to provide gas vouchers to all Indigenous Communities and rural areas. In addition to a reinforcement of dry firewood in the most critical sectors that were humidified by the storm.”

He also indicated that so far “60 thousand cubic meters of firewood have been delivered, which is estimated at about 10 m3 per family.”

Regarding the gas bonuses, he stated that, although this contribution was cut by the National State, the provincial government “decided to continue with the operation with its own resources to guarantee the contribution for the acquisition of a gas bottle for the families who “They do not receive a salary,” he concluded.

So far, the distribution of gas vouchers has been carried out in the indigenous communities of the following regions:

The Southern region that includes the Linares communities; Namuncura; Atreico; Lafquenche; Raquithue; Chiquilihuin; Cayulef; Painefilu; Vera; Cayun; Curruhuinca and prosecutors from the Lacar, Huiliches and Collón Cura department.

The Central West region that includes the Indigenous communities Currumil, Catalan, Puel, Ñorkinko, Poi Pucon, Aigo, Hiengueihual, Rams, Cheuquel, Cuyupan, Paineo, Millaqueo, Zapata, Felipin, Calfulcura, Antipan, Gelay Ko Community, Lonko Purran, Anticline and rural areas of the Zapala departments and part of the Confluencia.

Meanwhile, in Limay Centro, the communities Ancatruz, Zuñiga, Marifil, AFR Carran Cura and rural areas were assisted. Added to these are the Indigenous Communities and rural areas of the Vaca Muerta and Comarca Petrolera regions.

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