Everyone throws them away without knowing that they have powerful health benefits.

Everyone throws them away without knowing that they have powerful health benefits.
Everyone throws them away without knowing that they have powerful health benefits.

It is common that, nowadays, people peel fruits and vegetables and get rid of the peel, since for many it can be somewhat annoying, however, what they do not know is that some of them can be rich in nutrients, fiber and phytochemicals, bioactive compounds found in plants.

A study published by the journal ‘Current Research in Food Science’ discovered that certain peels contain a higher concentration of antioxidants, such as gallocatechin, epicatechin and epigallocatechin.

In some cases, the skin of fruits, including pomegranates, has been shown to have levels of antioxidants exponentially higher than what they have inside. The positive effects of the peels are so promising that some food manufacturers are using them in breads and crackers.

Keith Ayoob, a nutritionist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, United States, recommends eating the peels of the fruits because “that’s where the darkest color is”, and these are of great benefit to the body.

“Colors have nutritional power because they indicate the presence of antioxidants,” says Ayoob. In addition, he adds that they help protect cells from damage caused by pollutants, ultraviolet rays and other sources of unstable molecules called free radicals.

Before consuming the skin of vegetables or fruits, it is important to proper washing so that all residues and dirt come out that they contain, in order to better enjoy this food.

The peel is the protective layer of fruits and usually has a high concentration of phytochemicals that serve as a defense mechanism. against sun rays, rain and pests, This is explained by nutritionist and public health consultant in San Diego, Wendy Bazilian.

“These defense mechanisms also help our health. “When you peel these fruits and vegetables, you are literally peeling away some of the nutrition,” Bazilian added.

What are the healthiest fruit and vegetable peels?


Apple peel has vitamins A, C, and K


This fruit can be eaten both raw and cooked and the peel is especially beneficial for gastric health due to its high pectin content, which helps digestive function, helping to break down food more easily. In addition, it contains a high percentage of vitamin A, C and K.

Joan Salge Blake, dietitian and nutrition professor at Boston University, talks more about this vitamin power contained in the apple.

“The skin is the most nutrient-dense part,” says Joan Salge Blake, a registered dietitian and professor of nutrition at Boston University. “It contains 300 percent more vitamin K, 140 percent more vitamin A and 110 percent more vitamin C”said Joan Salge Blake.

Apple skin is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber and contains a powerful antioxidant, says Wendy Bazilian, in her book ‘Eat Clean, Stay Lean’. She adds: “You chew more if your skin comes, which slows down the rate at which it comes.”


Carrot contains fiber and vitamins


This food contains many nutritional benefits and most are more concentrated in the peel than inside; It is high in fiber, vitamin C and beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body and helps your eye health.

According to research, this vegetable has a 54 percent in phenolic acids, which act as antioxidants, contains carotenoids, vitamin Kand these are more concentrated in the peel than in the interior of the carrot.

Jackie Newgent, a nutritionist and vegetable chef based in New York, suggests how this food should be eaten: “Simply wash them with a vegetable brush and running water and eat them raw or cook them.. You can peel the skin into strips and air fry them for a crispy snack.”

Citrus fruits (Orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lemons)

The peel of these fruits not only contains higher amounts of vitamin C and carotenoidsbut it has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, and can be included in refreshing infusions and can also be grated to season some dishes.

Researchers have found that people who regularly consume citrus peels have a 34 percent lower risk of developing squamous cell skin cancer.


The vegetable has vitamin B1, B6, B3 and K, magnesium and folate.


The skin of this vegetable is dark purple, which means that it is rich in antioxidants, since it contains nasunime, which is responsible for protecting the cell membranes of the body and brain and also contains fiber.

“Nasunin reduces inflammation in the body and LDL cholesterol,” says Salge Blake.


The skin of this food is rich in fiber, potassium, iron and vitamin C, it also contains an antioxidant that helps fight cell damage and promotes intestinal function.

The best way to consume this food is steamed, so that it preserves its great fiber content.

The consumption of peel is highly recommended, because it contains some benefits for the health of the body; Remember that you should always wash them well to eliminate all the bacteria and germs they contain, and thus their consumption will be more beneficial.

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