Why do experts recommend not hugging dogs?

Why do experts recommend not hugging dogs?
Why do experts recommend not hugging dogs?

Alternative ways to show affection are gentle caresses, interactive games and rewards.- (Illustrative image Infobae)

A recent study led by Elizabeth Ann Walsh of the Cork Pet Behavior Center veterinary clinic in Ireland, has challenged the popular belief that hugging dogs is an appropriate way to show them affection. This work, supported by a multinational team of researchers, suggests that dogs, being huggedshow signs of stress and anxiety instead of enjoying physical contact as previously thought.

The concept that dogs enjoy hugs is deeply ingrained in culture, despite the lack of scientific evidence to support it. This new study, which analyzes videos instead of static images, provides a more complete view of Like the dogs they react to hugswhich shows a wide range of behaviors that suggest significant discomfort. Accumulating evidence suggests the need to reconsider this common practice among dog owners.

Experts point out that hugging dogs is not an appropriate way to show them affection, since this type of physical contact can cause them stress and anxiety. Researchers found that dogs exhibit obvious signs of discomfort, as avoid eye contact, lick lips, blink frequently, lower ears and panting when hugged. Previous studies in 2016 had already identified similar behaviors in photographs, suggesting that popular perceptions about canine hugs are wrong.

Hugs can cause stress and anxiety in dogs

Caroline Kisko of the Kennel Club and Claire Matthews from the british animal rescue center Battersea Dogs and Cats Home They agree that, although hugs are natural between humans, they are not natural for dogs. Besides, Evan McLean Duke’s Canine Cognition Center warns that hugs can block dogs’ natural flight instinct, thereby increasing their stress and potentially causing a aggressive reaction. Researchers recommend that you learn to identify signs of stress in your pets and consider alternative forms to show them affection.

This type of physical contact is unnatural and can cause tension and nervousness. Unlike humans, who use hugs as a way to show affection and bond, dogs do not hug each other in their natural social interaction. When a person puts their arms around a dog, the animal may feel trapped and experience a lack of movement, which triggers its stress response.

This feeling of immobility and the inability to escape can intensify the dog’s stress, leading it to exhibit evasive or aggressive behaviors. In extreme cases, some dogs may even resort to bite as a way to release accumulated tension.

Hugs could cause stress to the point of biting the owner (Pixabay)

To show affection to your dog appropriately, specialists recommend alternatives that do not involve restricting its movements. Evan MacLean suggests forms of body contact that do not confine the animal, such as the soft caresses. These displays of affection are more natural for dogs and allow them to maintain their sense of security and control. It is also important to recognize and respect signs of stress that the dog may show, such as avoiding eye contact or licking its lips.

Matthews advises turning to interactive games and treat rewards as effective methods to strengthen the bond between humans and dogs. These activities not only show affection, but also stimulate mentally and physically to the animal, which favors its general well-being. Elizabeth Ann Walsh and her team at the Cork Pet Behavior Center emphasize the importance of owners learning to read their pets’ body language to give them the support and affection they really need.

Rewards with treats are effective methods to strengthen the bond with the dog (Photo illustration: Markus Scholz/dpa)

To know if your dog loves you, it is essential to observe his body language and everyday behaviors. Signs of canine affection include move the tail, follow you around the houselean on and look for your physical contact. A dog that loves you too will show signs of relaxation and comfort in your presencesuch as lying nearby, sleeping peacefully next to you and emitting quiet sighs. These behaviors indicate that the animal feels safe and trusting with you.

MacLean adds that a dog that shows affection to you tends to look you in the eyes with an expression relaxed and curious. This eye contact is a way of emotional connection. Furthermore, if your dog is excited when you arrive home, greets you with jumps or allows himself to be petted and brushed without resistance, these are clear signs of keen. Also, seeking your company during playtime or following you from one room to another indicates a strong emotional bond.

If the dog loves its owner, it tends to follow him (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Ann Walsh, author of the hugging study, points out that Imitation behaviors are also an indication of affection in dogs. For example, if your dog repeatedly tries synchronize your walking pace with yours or even lies in positions similar to yours, it is a sign that he is looking for a close connection with you. The willingness to learn and obey commands also reflects a strong emotional bond and a desire to please you, which denotes affection and respect for you.

Caroline Kisko adds that dogs who enjoy snuggling with you or get excited when they see objects associated with you, such as your shoes or your jacket, they are also showing clear signs of affection. Even the simple act of soft licks on your hands or face is a canine way of expressing affection and bond. If your dog protects you in situations that he perceives as dangerous or uncomfortable, that behavior also indicates love and loyalty. All of these gestures are manifestations of the deep attachment and affection that your dog feels towards you.

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