Active participation of the Unne in the editorial days

Active participation of the Unne in the editorial days
Active participation of the Unne in the editorial days

Eudena, the publishing house of the National University of the Northeast (Unne) participates in the 48th International Book Fair (Filba) that began on Thursday in Rural de Palermo (Buenos Aires), and was previously a guest organizer of the 14th Book Days. University Edition (JEU). Until May 13, his books can be found at the stand in the province of Corrientes.

The titles of the different Eudene collections are exhibited and marketed at the Corrientes province stand “Avío del alma”, located in the Ocre pavilion. Some can also be found in the space of the Argentine University Bookstore at the Buenos Aires Province stand located in the blue pavilion.

The publishing house promotes some novelties from its catalog such as “Dialogue on the thesis in communication” by Daniel Chao and Marina Campusano, “Viracambota, chamamé political song” by journalist Paulo Ferreyra, “From the social contract to the sexual contract” by Analía García and José Meza , and the reissue of the literary essay “Latin America begins in Corrientes” by Martin Alvarenga.

Along with these works you can find other titles from the editorial collection such as Biodiversity in the waters of Iberá by Alicia Poi (comp.), Press and Politics in Corrientes by María del Mar Solis Carnicer (comp.) and Rock correntino pue by Javier Vallejos Amil, among others.

Editing Days

In the days before the start of the Fair, the Unne publishing house actively participated in the 14th University Publishing Conference (JEU) within the framework of the Filba Professional Conference. The university publishing meeting was organized by Eudeba, Ediciones UNL, the Typography I chair and Ediunc de Cuyo; the chair of Editorial Publishing at the UBA and the El Libro Foundation, and the Unne publishing house was the guest organizer of 2024. The convening topic was the catalogue.

The activities took place in the Julio Cortázar room and began on Tuesday, April 23 at 10 with the inaugural conference by Patricia Piccolini “On little-explored gold mines. Or how to discover books and authors at university.” Presented by Luis Quevedo de Eudeba, Piccolini reviewed the enormous potential of content that exists in the catalogs of university publishers throughout the country, pointing out very interesting specific examples. Then, the round table on university book fairs was made up of Federico Fernández, from Librería Universitaria Argentina -LUA- dependent on the National Interuniversity Council and Sergio Miceli, sociologist and editor of the publishing house of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, who referred to the Reun Fair corridor and the USP University Book Festival respectively.

Finally, Carlos Quiñonez de Eudene read the presentation by Socorro Venegas from Libros Unam of Mexico who could not be present. Both proposals allowed for a juicy exchange with those attending the conference.

On Wednesday the 24th, the designer Max Rompo (Unla), Penguin Random House, and known for the album covers of Fito Páez, and other artists; He developed a very interesting conference where he exhibited a large number of works, intensely exchanging with the public about the secrets of editorial design for a creative and versatile proposal of the editorial guideline. The presentation was made by Graciela Amadío from Ediunc. The activity was completed with the editing workshop “Texts (and images) for powerful catalogues” led by Marcela Castro and Mariana Podetti from the Editorial Editing Chair at the UBA.

On the last day, Gloria Rodrigué, owner of Edhasa and La brujita de papel, former owner of Sudamericana, was interviewed by Gabriela Bissaro from Eudene and Marisa Budiño from Edunaf. The editor told details of the construction of an editorial catalog, going through the different moments of her career, her experiences and advice for the editors and the preparation of the catalog and the books themselves. The exchange with the interviewers and later with the audience resulted in a pleasant space of enriching content for the university edition.

The conference culminated with the panel Knowledge editors, cooperation or competition? Made up of Juan Cruz Balián, from El gato y la caja, Ana Mosqueda from Ampersand editions and Isaac Rubinzal, owner of Rubinzal Culzoni Editores. The panel, coordinated by Gerardo Tassara from Unicen publishing house, covered the broad spectrum of science dissemination work carried out by private labels in interaction with scientists and public universities.


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