Topics of the EFE Economy day for Saturday, June 1, 2024

Topics of the EFE Economy day for Saturday, June 1, 2024
Topics of the EFE Economy day for Saturday, June 1, 2024


Madrid – The CNMV will accept for processing next week the prospectus for BBVA’s takeover bid for Banco Sabadell, with which the Basque entity wants to take control of the Catalan company for its subsequent merger, as long as the supervisor does not require additional information.




Madrid – The increase in global demand for goods, the arrival of the traditional supply months for European companies and the intensification of attacks by the Houthi rebels in the Red Sea have increased the cost of maritime transport of goods between China in May. and Europe.




Madrid – The new president of the National Federation of Dairy Industries (Fenil), Ernesto Castro, defends in an interview with Efe that the VAT exemption on milk be extended “for as long as possible” and extended to other products such as yogurt .



Barcelona – The president of the Seat works council, Matías Carnero, has demanded that the historic brand Seat be one of those that wins the award of the cheap electric vehicle that the Volkswagen Group plans for about 20,000 euros to guarantee its future in the medium and long term .




Rabat – Morocco has become an alternative for European and Spanish companies that are betting on the manufacturing industry’s trend of bringing production closer to points of consumption, especially in the automotive and textile sectors where, according to experts, this dynamic is most noticeable. .

(Text) (Photo)


Also pass these other informations:

– Dividends from large energy companies in the month of June (NEG).

– Preview of the IATA Assembly (MER)



Panama City.- PANAMA CANAL.- The Panama Canal, the only freshwater canal in the world and through which around 3% of world trade passes, brings daily ship transits to 32, which was forced to restrict the year passed due to the severe drought. (Text) (Photo) (Video)

Lima.- PERU ECONOMY.- The National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) publishes the report on the Conjunctural Advancement of Economic Activity in Peru until April 2024. (Text)

Lima.- PERU INFLATION.- The National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) publishes the report on the Variation of Price Indicators of the Peruvian Economy (inflation) in May 2024. (Text)



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