Behind the scenes of Trooping the Color and Prince Louis’ tender dance


LONDON.- Kate, Princess of Wales, did on Saturday his first public appearance since five months ago a surgical intervention revealed the presence of cancer, in the traditional Trooping the Colour, the actual event that brings together crowds to symbolically celebrate the birthday of King Charles III.

Kate, dressed in a white suit with black details by designer Jenny Packham and a wide-brimmed hat by Philip Treacy, rode in a carriage with her three children before the traditional annual military parade near Buckingham Palace. The crowd that thronged the streets greeted and cheered as the Princess of Wales passed by.

Her husband, Crown Prince William Dressed in military uniform, he attended the ceremony on horseback, in which troops dressed in ceremonial finery parade before the king with the flag of their regiment, or “color.” The display of precision marches and martial music has its origins in the days when a regiment’s flag was an essential rallying point in the fog of battle.

Charles, who is also receiving treatment for an unspecified type of cancer, traveled by carriage with Queen Camilla, instead of on horseback, as he did last year, due to his treatment. The king inspected the troops from a dais in the parade ground, saluting as the elite regiments of the Foot Guard passed by.

The princess watched the ceremony with the children from the window of a building overlooking Horse Guards Parade, a ceremonial parade in central London. His youngest son, Luis, 6 years old, yawned widely at one point during the event, but in general he watched attentively.

To close the traditional event, the royal family met on the legendary balcony of Buckingham Palace to observe, along with the crowds gathered outside, a flyover of military aircraft. Luis – who at his young age is already known for his funny gesticulations – was again the center of attention also at that moment, for a tender dance he did to accompany the music.

Later, the Prince and Princess of Wales posted on their X account a emotional behind-the-scenes video of Kate’s comebackin which she is seen, for example, stroking his daughter Charlotte’s head (9 years old) while waiting for the carriage, with Luis and George (10), second in line of succession.

“Everything ready for the King’s birthday,” says the text that accompanies the 21-second video.

Huge crowds gather each June to watch the parade known as Trooping the Colour, which begins with a procession involving horses, musicians and hundreds of soldiers dressed in full dress uniforms leaving Buckingham Palace.

Kate, 42, has undergone preventive chemotherapy since she was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, something she communicated in March after strong speculation about her health.

The royal family on the balcony of Buckingham PalaceAlberto Pezzali – AP

In an unusual personal message written on his social networks on Friday, the princess said she was progressing well but was “not out of the woods.” He added that he wanted to attend Saturday’s parade and hoped to participate in some public engagements during the summer.

Kate spent two weeks in hospital in January after undergoing abdominal surgery, and two months later announced in a video message that tests had revealed the presence of cancer.

The Princess of Wales, in her first public appearance of 2024, with Prince LouisYui Mok – PA Wire

“I’m making great progress, but as anyone who goes through chemotherapy will know, there are good days and bad days”Kate’s statement read.

His office, Kensington Palace, has refused to give details about the type of cancer or his treatment, other than to say that preventive chemotherapy had begun in February.

Prince Louis, in the carriage during Trooping the ColorHENRY NICHOLLS – AFP

His illness has coincided with that of Carlos, 75 years old, who has also undergone cancer treatment. The king returned to public life in April, and has remained busy, although his schedule is being limited to minimize the risks to his recovery.

AP and Reuters Agencies


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