Carolina Gómez exploded online after being compared to Verónica Alcocer

The actress and former queen made a rather radical change in her look and is now being compared to the nation’s first lady, Verónica Alcocer.

This year our former universal vicereine of 1994, Carolina Gómez, turned 50 and decided to have a change of look more in line with her age. She cut her hair above her shoulders and looks very different from herself.

Many people have not stopped complimenting the harmonious face that the Cali woman retains, but there are also some curious people who have confused her with the first lady of Colombia, Verónica Alcocer.

The similarity has been noticed by many, which is why in the last publication on her Instagram, where Carolina wore a swimsuit, many people left humorous comments such as the following:

“Petro sees her and falls in love”, “I thought she was the brincona”, “At what point did I start following Verónica Alcocer?”, “Petro’s soap opera is coming”.

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The fact is that there have been so many comments that Carolina Gómez herself reacted to the comparison. Did she not like it?

“No, the shit,” were the first words with which the former queen responded to one of those comments and resorted to the typical “she is she and I am me.”

And although she admitted that the cut is very similar, she suggested that she be compared to other people:

“It’s also the same Claire Underwood cut in ‘House of Cards,’ so how about we use that one instead? I say no more,” wrote the protagonist of ‘Analía’s Revenge’.

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On the other hand, she was also compared to Charlize Theron and she did like that, because she said: “What a great comparison, THANK YOU.”

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