How to carry out the “Harvard method” to lose weight, which consists of three simple steps

How to carry out the “Harvard method” to lose weight, which consists of three simple steps
How to carry out the “Harvard method” to lose weight, which consists of three simple steps

Losing weight can be a difficult process to do (Illustrative Image Infobae).

Lose weight It is undoubtedly one of the objectives and greatest challenges that many people face, because it can be a goal that is more difficult to achieve than it seems. However, one of the most important institutions in the world has come up with something that the media has dubbed “the Harvard method” to help more people achieve this achievement.

The technique, which is also called “Harvard plate” was developed by experts from the School of Public Health and by the editors of the university’s Health Publications and offers a practical guide for prepare balanced and nutritious dishes, being an accessible tool for those seeking to maintain a healthy diet.

The strategy proposes divide meals into four segments that represent different food groups, assigning them a specific percentage of the plate to ensure balanced nutrient intake.

This approach not only promotes a diverse and balanced diet, but also contributes to body weight management by prevent excessive calorie consumption. Along with regular physical activity and other healthy habits, the “Harvard Plate” seeks to improve overall well-being and promote optimal health.

Its main objective is to provide a simple visual guide to achieve a healthy diet, including in each meal all the necessary food groups in adequate proportions. For this, the plate is divided into four sections.

  • Fruits and vegetables, 50%: this food group should occupy half of the plate, showing the importance of these foods for their vitamins. It is recommended that the percentage of vegetables be slightly higher, something like 30% vegetables and 20% fruits.
  • Cereals, 25%: Whole grains and proteins take up the other two-quarters of the plate, where whole grains are recommended over refined grains.
  • Proteins, 25%: it is recommended that these are preferably lean or of vegetable origin.

The plate suggests healthy portions (Harvard)

The methodology of Harvard plate It also includes additional recommendations for healthy eating that suggest that, along with the foods on the healthy plate, there is also a generous intake of water during meals and throughout the day.

This intake also includes the consumption of coffee, tea and other infusions, while the consumption of sugary drinks is discouraged.

Natural juices should be limited to one small glass per day.

It is advisable to moderate the amount of dairy products to one or two servings daily. It is important to incorporate healthy sources of fat into your diet, such as olive oil, nuts and avocado. In addition, it is recommended to choose fresh and seasonal foods to maximize nutritional contribution and benefit health.

In addition to the method mentioned above, in other publications on its health site, various specialists from the institution have mentioned other tips that people can follow if they are looking to implement a weight loss diet.

This methodology not only seeks to promote a balanced diet but also aims to control weight and improve quality of life through nutrition.

  • Keep active: Regular physical activity is key to burning calories and building muscle, which in turn can boost metabolism.
  • Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can affect hunger hormones, leading to increased appetite and potentially higher calorie consumption.
  • Avoid eating under stress or boredom: Be aware of emotional eating habits and look for ways to manage stress without turning to food.
  • Set realistic goals and be patient: Sustainable weight loss takes time and is the result of consistent lifestyle changes, not quick fixes.

Without a doubt, exercise is a vital part of a weight loss goal (Illustrative Image Infobae)

These tips seek to promote a balanced and healthy approach to losing weight, encouraging habits that can be maintained long term.

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