Yigit’s murderer is revealed in the Turkish series on Antena 3

In the previous chapter of ‘Family Secrets’, Ceylin and Ilgaz left pride and distance behind, and immersed themselves in the turbulent waters of their feelings. The couple reconciled, leaving behind the misunderstandings that had separated them since Firat’s arrival. However, a new obstacle arose on the horizon of their love: Iclal. Ceylin, consumed by the shadow of her jealousy, watched the prosecutor’s presence with concern, aware that her arrival had altered the emotional balance of her husband.

This week in the Antena 3 fiction, Ceylin discovered with horror that Çinar was involved in Kadir’s death. It was he who acquired the medications that were later administered to him in prison and that ended his life. Desperate to protect her brother-in-law and challenging Yekta’s opinion, the lawyer deleted the security camera images that incriminated the young man in the unexpected murder.

Ilgaz continued with Yigit’s case in ‘Family Secrets’


When Iclal found out about the disappearance of the security camera videos, he confronted Ceylin and accused her of obstructing the investigation into Kadir’s death in ‘Family Secrets’: “You had your hands in this.” However, the lawyer’s efforts were in vain, as hours later, Iclal obtained the necessary evidence to accuse Çinar of the murder. Desperate, Ceylin tried to find her brother-in-law before the police arrested him.

Meanwhile, Ilgaz continued with Yigit’s case. After informing the boy’s family about Mustafa’s death, he ordered the deceased’s cell phone to be analyzed. On the phone they discovered the last message that Mustafa sent to his girlfriend before he died. “My uncle murdered my brother,” the short text said.

Cennet denied her lover’s accusations in ‘Family Secrets’


The police arrested Feyyaz, who confessed what happened that fateful night: “Yigit discovered that her mother and I were lovers. I never wanted to betray my brother, but the flesh is weak.” However, he insisted that he did not kill the little boy, but that it was Cennet herself who did it to prevent him from speaking: “I just left him in the basement. It must be that Mustafa saw me then and believed that I had murdered Yigit.” . For her part, Cennet denied her lover’s accusations and assured that she did not touch a hair on her son: “I tried to prevent Feyyaz from killing him.” Without sufficient evidence to convict one or the other, Ilgaz decided that both remain detained pending trial.

Headshot of Ignacio Herruzo Martínez

Ignacio is an expert in culture, but for more than 10 years he has specialized in films and series, both those that premiere on the big screen and on streaming platforms. The same thing tells you about the premieres of Netflix, HBO Max or Amazon Prime Video, as it tells you about the last hour of ‘Masterchef’ or any other television program.

With extensive experience as a critic, he knows the best series and movies and loves to watch them before you do so he can tell you if they are worth it or not. He knows all the premieres of the week and loves to recommend series and movies to his friends, family and readers, something that he has been doing on different personal blogs and through social networks. He likes everything: he follows great directors like Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino or Steven Spielberg, and he knows the entire Marvel universe, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings and the Disney world by heart.

Culture is his main hobby and although he considers himself a movie buff, he also loves music, especially international music, and video games, to which he dedicates all the time that movies and series allow him, of course. Sport is his other passion, which he developed in his beginnings at the sports newspaper MARCA. Ignacio Herruzo graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in 2012. Since then he has not stopped writing since he started in 2013 at the Hearst group, where he has served as an editor for different websites and magazines such as Teleprograma, Supertele and Diez Minutos.

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