Instance of allegations in the debate over Melanie’s death

Instance of allegations in the debate over Melanie’s death
Instance of allegations in the debate over Melanie’s death

May 22, 2024 – 00:21

Yesterday the last witness was presented in the debate over the death of Melanie Carrazana. After listening to her testimony, she went to an intermediate room. The hearing resumes next Monday, with the presentation of the allegations.

The hearing is presided over by Judge Javier Herrera. The Public Prosecutor’s Office is represented by prosecutor Víctor Figueroa, who is accompanied by the lawyer of the complaint Pedro Justiniano Vélez. The Defense is carried out by private lawyers Silvia Barrientos, representing Vázquez, and Fernando Contreras Del Pino, who assists Gómez and Castro.

One of the key testimonies was that of Fernanda Gordillo, Melanie’s mother. She recalled that in the last week of 2020, between Christmas and New Year’s, her child had attended two birthday parties. “She ate chizitos and started getting a rash,” she recalled. She assured that her daughter “was fine.” On December 29, she took her to the guard of the José Chaín Herrera Hospital in Andalgalá. Gomez was on guard. “She didn’t even come close to see it or touch it. She prescribed him medication. She saw her stains from afar. “He just looked at her,” she indicated.

The next day, as the rash had begun to itch, she took her daughter to the hospital again. On this occasion, Castro was on guard and attended to her. “She did come up and see her. She had more rash. She indicated studies, a complete analysis and to continue with the medication. The indication for these analyzes were not “urgent,” her mother clarified. They had a date for January 4.

On January 3, 2021, Melanie told her mother that she had a headache. She started to get a fever and vomited. Vázquez was on duty and gave him an injection. “In two hours her daughter is going to be better,” she recalled her telling him. However, she later began to swell and bruise. Given the girl’s condition, the hospital called Castro and gave her an IV. “There was no way to get blood out of her because she was clotted. My daughter asked me for water and I couldn’t give her. They made her suffer,” said Fernanda, with a broken voice.

Meanwhile, Hugo Bulacios, head of the Forensic Satellite Laboratory of the Judiciary of Catamarca, declared that “the cause of death requested by the prosecutor could not be categorically concluded.” At the same time, he considered that septic shock could be the most convincing cause but there would be no absolute certainty, given that it is possible that the germ is a product of cadaveric contamination. “The autopsy gives it as an assumption but it is not conclusive,” he warned.

Through videoconference, Pedro Elías Chalup, an infectious disease doctor, who made a report on this case, declared from Córdoba. The professional highlighted that the girl had a low number of platelets. Given this diagnosis, the health professional involved had to find out the cause and provide treatment. “As long as the cause is not treated, it will not give way. The presence of a large number of white blood cells is a sign of the presence of bacteria,” he warned.

The names

of the cause

Accused: Gabriela Gómez, Alejandra Castro and Marcos Vázquez.

Allegation: “aggravated manslaughter.”

Court: Third Nomination Correctional Court.

Judge: Javier Herrera.

Prosecutor: Víctor Figueroa.

Defense: Fernando Contreras Del Pino, for Gómez y Castro, and Silvia Barrientos, for Vázquez.

Victim: Melanie Ana Victoria, seven years old. She died on January 4, 2021. She was transferred from Andalgalá to the Capital.


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