education, health, services and even against Israel

education, health, services and even against Israel
education, health, services and even against Israel

The week, after the festive long weekend, begins in Manizales filled with protests by sectors. Health, education, public services, in the Ministry of Transport, universities and even against Israel are part of the demonstrations.

They demand medicine from Samantha

This Tuesday at 11:00 in the morning there will be a shot in Manizales to ask again the Government, the Fiduprevisora ​​and the Teaching Benefits Fund (Fomaga) for the right to health. It will be in front of the University Institute, on Santander Avenue.

It’s not just because of Samanthabut of all the teachers and all the families of the educators who are suffering so many things,” he says. Lina Patricia Vanegas, mother of the girl.

She requests that Samantha receive all of her medications., expected that April, for the treatment of a rare disease. They have already sent you half, which correspond to May. They are waiting for June ones.

He recalled that the precautionary measure is maintained against those involved due to the contempt, which was filed through the Personería of Manizales.

For health

Things will continue today with a sit-in scheduled for 5:00 in the afternoon in the Plaza de la Alcaldía.

“In defense of health.” That is the slogan of the organizers, who wonder about the scope proposed by the municipal Administration in light of the planned merger of Asbassalud, the first-level care provider in the municipality, with the San Isidro Hospital.

Teachers begin

The Union United Educators of Caldas (Educal) will define this morning what the actions are for the teachers’ strike, which will begin tomorrow.

The Colombian Federation of Education Workers (Fecode) announced this holiday Monday a permanent cessation in rejection of the draft statutory education law, which the national government seeks to approve in the last debate in Congress.

The strike will start this Wednesday throughout the country.

Juan Carlos Martínez, president of the Educadores Unidos de Caldas union (Educal)explained to LA PATRIA that Fecode’s decision was made “in order to protest and demand the collapse of the reform of the statutory law“.

“The amendment does not include the guidelines that had been agreed upon and discussed with Fecode. The Colombian teachers are going to move around this situationso the teachers of Caldas are also being called to strike,” added the union leader.

Likewise, teachers will march and take over the main Colombian cities requesting the implementation of an efficient health system for them and their beneficiaries.

On June 17, the last debate on this project will be held in the Senate of the Republic., for which it is projected that the cessation of teachers’ activities will extend until that day. However, if this legislative process drags on longer, so will the strike.

Against high costs

Another demonstration will take place in the Caldense capital on Thursday. It has to do with users of public services, who remain dissatisfied with what they consider to be the high cost of energy rates. The coordinators call for that day at 3:00 in the afternoon with a meeting point at the Water Park, formerly Olaya Herrera. Invite the Popular Committee of Users of Home Public Services of Manizales.

“Stop the genocide!” in Palestine

The week of protests will close on Friday with the so-called Velatón in support of the people of Palestine, today at war with Israel in the Middle East.

“The people of Manizale rise up with the flags of solidarity with the Palestinian people, saying “Stop the genocide.” That is the slogan for the day.

The activity is planned for 6:00 in the afternoon in Ernesto Gutiérrez Park. The call is from the Unity Committee and other social and popular organizations.

They are still unemployed

On the university side, it should be remembered that The takeover of the National University – Manizales headquarters – continuesdespite the fact that on Thursday they appointed rector.

Is about Leopoldo Múnerawho was the one the students expected, since in the March elections he was the winner among the student body.

The protesters were against the rector out Ismael Peñawho was elected by the Superior Council, which triggered the current cessation of activities.

A source informed LA PATRIA that It is possible that the seizure of block C of the headquarters will not be dismantled until there are agreements with the person who is chosen as vice-rector for Manizales.

That designation, by the new rector, could be given today. The professor has served as vice-rector Diana Cardenas, named by Peña.

An administrative meeting is scheduled for today, starting at 2:00 pm at the Palogrande Campus. “We call on the entire administrative team and the contractors of the UNAL headquarters to participate in this space,” say the promoters.

At the Ministry of Labor

On May 31 they began the protests at the Caldas Territorial Directorate of the Ministry of Labor at the headquarters in the Cumanday Building, in Manizales.

It is possible that this will be a new week of sit-ins, since they say that they will continue until they reach an agreement with the minister, Gloria Inés Ramírez.

Among the requests is the leveling of salaries.

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