A libertarian legislator, in favor of removing the health barrier – ADN

(ADN).- Legislator César Domínguez assured that “a trade barrier persists” despite the fact that “there has been no foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in our country for more than 17 years.” In this way, the leader of the block – in formation – of La Libertad Avanza expressed himself about the health barrier in Patagonia. “It is a business that drains the pockets of the inhabitants,” he said and linked it to “political lobbying and the refrigerator business.”

Domínguez, like several sectors of the national government, agree that it no longer makes sense to maintain the limit since “the Argentine Republic has the status of free of foot and mouth disease, granted by the WHOA.” “The results published by SENASA show that with a volume of meat entering a zone without vaccination equal to the volume of meat currently entering boneless, the risk is negligible,” he added.

The legislator wrote an opinion note in which he assures that the “barrier makes no sense today, since the WHOA declared Argentina free of foot and mouth disease and it is exported to the most demanding markets without distinction depending on whether it is with or without vaccination.” He alleged that “if legal trade is allowed, it would put an end to smuggling, which has a greater risk due to lack of health control.”

Domínguez gave numbers on livestock production in Río Negro and exports, to solidify his position.

«Clearly, the sanitary barrier is a business that drains the pockets of the inhabitants of Río Negro, protected by the lobby of politicians defending the interests of ranchers and meatpackers in the region, some of them also feedlot owners. They underestimate the intelligence of the people of Río Negro, wanting to treat them as idiots. “Everyone knows that something smells bad: officials who stand on both sides of the counter, ranchers and those in defense of the barrier,” he stated.


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