Lots of rain in Artemisa, but not enough

Lots of rain in Artemisa, but not enough
Lots of rain in Artemisa, but not enough

Artemisa, June 13 (ACN) Although among the most significant provincial accumulated rainfall over Artemisa stands out, with 155 millimeters (mm) during the last few days, that represents only 53 percent of the historical average for June, amounting to 214 .2mm.

Remigia Cunill Monterrey, general director of Hydraulic Use in the territory, contrasted that the 14 Artemiseño reservoirs only accumulate 55 percent of their filling capacity.

He pointed out that the most benefited dams have been La Paila and San Julián, both in the municipality of San Cristóbal, which do not exceed 70 percent of their total capacity.

The reservoirs have received about eight million cubic meters of water, and have 149.3 million, but they are capable of holding 269,878, he explained.

He alluded to Pinillos, in Mariel, a reservoir damaged by the extreme drought, which must supply the population of that municipality and industries such as the Máximo Gómez Thermoelectric Power Plant and the Cement Factory, and has restricted delivery volumes; In fact, of the three pumping units connected, one stops 12 hours a day.

On the other hand, the La Coronela dam, in Caimito, is almost one hundred percent, he maintained and underlined the role of the majority in serving agriculture.

Justino René García Crespo, economic vice president of the Agricultural and Forestry Business Group (GEAF), confirmed that work in the field has decreased, due to excess water in the soil, which prevents work with machinery, and said that when its level will be able to accurately calculate the effects.

He highlighted, however, that, even though the intense rains kept them on alert, the José Martí Agroindustrial Grain Company, of Candelaria, took advantage of the waters in favor of harvesting and planting new areas of rice.

In addition, as soon as the rainfall stops, the cattle will enjoy greater performance in the pastures, he added.

Meanwhile, they move the cattle to higher areas, guarantee their nighttime coexistence under cover, and harvest various crops as much as possible, he warned.

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