Transversal Oriental completed 3 days closed

Transversal Oriental completed 3 days closed
Transversal Oriental completed 3 days closed


He preventive and temporary closure that the mayor of Floridablanca ordered in the Eastern Transversal that allows communication between the neighborhoods El Carmen and Bucarica already completed three days.

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The vehicle restriction It was adopted after a landslide and the collapse of a house located in the human settlement Asomiflor who alerted the authorities a threat that could represent greater risk.

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Gerson González, secretary of infrastructure of the municipality of Floridablanca, assured that the site has prevented passage while they are being evaluated the conditions of the terrain and begins with the intervention.

“Today we are going to have a meeting to evaluate the situation, for now We cannot enter the site with machinery and that is why the work has been manual. There are no longer people in the homes because they were evicted and others no longer lived there, we hope to resolve the situation soon,” he said. Gonzalez.

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The passage of vehicles for the moment will continue to be restricted on the Transversal Oriental until the land in the Asomiflor human settlement is stabilized and thus reduce the possibility of new landslides that put the lives of drivers and pedestrians at risk.


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