House arrest for the former governor of Casanare, Whitman Herney Porras Pérez » PRENSA LIBRE CASANARE

The 20th judge of execution of sentences of Bogotá granted house arrest to the former governor of Casanare, Whitman Herney Porras Pérez.

The Justice granted a substitute measure of house arrest to Whitman Herney Porras Pérez, who has been deprived of liberty for more than 13 years, in the La Picota penitentiary in Bogotá, due to a sentence handed down by the Supreme Court of Justice.

In order for Whitman to be sent home to jail, he must cancel a monetary bond. For now, a date has not been defined for this determination to become effective.

Porras was in charge of the Casanare department for only 15 months, replacing Miguel Ángel Pérez Suárez RIP, who was convicted by the Supreme Court of Justice for the crime of illicit enrichment and had to serve prison terms.

The short administration of Porras Pérez was historic, since 44 billion pesos were lost due to irregular investments of State resources. The Supreme Court of Justice sentenced Porras Pérez in 2013 for the crimes of contract without compliance with legal requirements and embezzlement by appropriation in favor of third parties to 18 years and 6 months in prison and payment of compensation for material damages worth more than of 42,000 million pesos, after having lost 44 billion pesos in illegal investments with Casanare’s oil royalties.

The total invested reached 63,000 million pesos, deposited in autonomous assets. As of 2011, losses totaled 44,000 million pesos. The money was delivered to autonomous assets such as Unión Temporal Carbones Likuen, Green Mountain Consulting, Chacón Bernal Asociados, Cosacol and Viaducto Muña. These were high-risk operations. The money was in TES, or national debt, an investment that is allowed for official entities, but the governor ordered them to be sold and the funds transferred to trusts or autonomous assets.


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