“I represent the warmth of my land”

“I represent the warmth of my land”
“I represent the warmth of my land”

Emilis Julieth Conrado Charris, 20 years old, and student of Finance and Foreign Trade at the Sergio Arboleda University, Santa Marta section, is one of the young people who is participating in the Sea District Captaincy 2024 contest, representing her Lebanon neighborhood 2000, of which she is proud.

She has wanted to participate in this contest for a long time and now her dream has come true, and most importantly she has the support of her family, as well as the neighbors in her neighborhood, who congratulated her once she registered her name to participate. in this contest.

“I feel very motivated to represent my neighborhood, Líbano, and my city, and to do so, I am willing to work with the community, promote love and respect for our streets, our sea, and of course, our maritime traditions. That motivates me, telling people that I am a Samaritan who is fighting to achieve her dreams and goals for the sake of my land,” said Emilis Julieth Conrado Charris with great enthusiasm.

In her conversation with HOY DIARIO DEL MAGDALENA she told us that Líbano 2000 is a relatively new neighborhood, it was created 18 years ago, and she has been living in this sector for 15 years.

“I have seen Lebanon grow. At first there were just a few houses on my block. I know all my neighbors. However, there are now several blocks of residences. For me, Lebanon is a small part of Santa Marta that shows what we are. I grew up here. The neighbors are very close. I remember when I was little that older people would organize events for children on special dates like Children’s Day, Columbus Day, the live Novena de Aguinaldos, the carnivals, and now these celebrations continue to take place in a more colorful way, with the whole community participating with joy. Lebanon is a neighborhood where you can easily come and have a cup of coffee with any neighbor, because its people are kind and warm. For me, representing my neighborhood is representing that warmth. I feel proud of my neighborhood. That is why I represent the warmth of my land. I have had memorable friendships that I would not change for anything in the world,” she said.

When talking about the topic of the Sea District Captaincy competition, Emilis Julieth considers herself a skilled candidate in swimming, taking into account that she has been practicing it since she was five years old, and for that reason, she has a great love for it. sport, which he thinks is healing due to a life experience that he had to face in his teenage years.

“I had surgery when I was twelve years old. I had two surgeries on one of my feet because I had an internal tumor. The doctors said that I could lose mobility in it, but I focused on the therapies and on swimming, and swimming helped me heal. It made me more disciplined. I thank God that I recovered by practicing swimming,” said the captain of Lebanon, who will put her experience into practice when she takes part in the nautical swimming tests before the qualifying jury.

Likewise, he stated that he also loves kayaking and has been practicing it for two years and now even more so when it is one of the tests that will be carried out by the organization of the District Captaincy of the Sea.

Also his preparation for the aforementioned contest is based on doing daily physical exercise, he goes to the gym every day to exercise his body and have resistance. She has participated in general culture workshops about Santa Marta and its history and as a complement has visited the Gold Museum and has studied environmental education and public speaking so as not to fear the public and have more confidence when expressing herself.

“If I win, with God’s favor, I would commit to promoting environmental education, I think that children are the future and it is for them that we must begin social awareness about our seas, support the beach cleaning initiative, and promoting sustainable tourism in our region, all for the growth of Santa Marta,” said Emilis Julieth Conrado Charris.

He took the opportunity to invite each of the Samarios to join this adventure of the District Sea Captaincy Contest:

“It is a unique opportunity to show the world the beauties and riches we have here, our culture, the beauty of our country and above all the strength and spirit of our Samarian people. Representing Santa Marta from my neighborhood is not only an honor, but also a responsibility full of pride. I ask for your support throughout this entire process, not only for me, but also for my fellow contestants, who like me fight for this dream that They have, support our customs, how nice it is to promote Samaria culture. I appreciate every support you have given me, every message of encouragement, those messages help me take a step forward to fulfill my dreams and give me the courage to continue and fight for that kepi, which if achieved I would wear it with a lot of dignity and commitment. I put everything in God’s hands.”

id: 60

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