Popularity ranking of South American presidents: this is how Gustavo Petro and Javier Milei fared | Today news

Popularity ranking of South American presidents: this is how Gustavo Petro and Javier Milei fared | Today news
Popularity ranking of South American presidents: this is how Gustavo Petro and Javier Milei fared | Today news

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, and his Colombian counterpart, Gustavo Petro.

Photo: Archive

The president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, was once again the most popular ruler in South America, a position that the Uruguayan Luis Lacalle Pou took from him last April, according to a survey released by CB Consultora, a company specialized in the study of the social climate and the projection of electoral scenarios.

Noboa went from having 57.8% of the support of those surveyed the previous month to having 58.1%, with a disapproval rate of 39.5%, according to this sample carried out between May 14 and 18, between 12,332 people (an average of between 1,022 and 1,485 per country), which has a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 2% to 3%.

In second place was the Argentine Javier Milei, with a positive image of 54.8% and a rejection of 42.9%, and in third place was the Uruguayan Luis Lacalle Pou, who registered the support of 54.7% of the interviewed and the disapproval of 41.6%.

At the opposite extreme, the Venezuelan Nicolás Maduro was consolidated, who fell from 40.9% approval to 39.5%, the Colombian Gustavo Petro, who fell from 41.1% to 38.6%, and the Peruvian Dina Boluarte, who continued to fall in the popularity index and closed the list again for another month, going from 25.3% to 24.8% support.

The other positions were occupied by the Paraguayan Santiago Peña, in fourth position, with 51.3% support and 43.9% disapproval; the Brazilian Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, with 49.2% supporters and 47.4% detractors; the Bolivian Luis Arce, who rose from 40.5% to 42.3% (although he maintained a strong rejection of 54.2%), and the Chilean Gabriel Boric, who received 41.8% of the support compared to 55%. of rejection.

In Argentina, the approval rate of this survey referring to previous presidents was 17.2% for Alberto Fernández (compared to 79.6% rejection), 32.8% for Mauricio Macri (compared to 61.2% % disapproval), and 34.8% for Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (compared to 61.8% rejection).

In Bolivia, former governor Evo Morales registered support of 20.2% and rejection of 72.4%, and former president Carlos Mesa, approval of 38% and a negative image of 54.3%. Finally, in Venezuela, where presidential elections will be held on July 28, Edmundo González, candidate of the opposition coalition Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), obtained 47.2% support (compared to 34.2% rejection). , behind María Corina Machado, opposition leader disqualified from running in the elections, who received 50.5% of support and 40.7% rejection.

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