Teachers in Manizales hold a sit-in for Samantha’s health

Teachers in Manizales hold a sit-in for Samantha’s health
Teachers in Manizales hold a sit-in for Samantha’s health


The teachers of the Fe y Alegría Educational Institution and other schools in the center of Manizales, held a sit-in outside the Francisco José de Caldas Technological Institute asking Fiduprevisora ​​for the right to health of teachers in Manizales and Caldas and, especially, for Samantha, the daughter of professor Lina Patricia Vanegas, English teacher at said first official school, who suffers from an orphan disease called congenital adrenal hyperplasia and his life is in danger due to lack of medications that allow him to continue his medical treatment.

“Teachers have been going through a crisis since May 1 due to the change in the health system and, truly, we are experiencing a via crucis. In recent days we raised our voices for my daughter Samantha, because she did not have her medications, but also for that of many colleagues who are cancer patients and have not been able to finish their treatments and countless cases that exist,” says Lina Patricia Vanegas.

Since April 10, her daughter has been harmed by the lack of medications that are essential for her. Likewise, the sit-in was held to demand a solution in her case and in that of dozens of teachers who have had their medical treatments interrupted due to because they are not supplied with their medications. “My daughter needs Hydrocortisone and Fludrocortisone. With the support of the Manizales Personería, an agreement was made with Fiduprevisora ​​and Meide SAS (Comprehensive Specialty Medicine) so that on Thursday (June 6) they would deliver the corresponding medicines for May and they complied, but on Friday (June 7) June) they brought June’s medications to our home, but they were not the ones we needed, we returned them and this is the time and we still don’t have them. “That is why a precautionary measure was lifted due to the personhood, which is contempt, and it would not be lifted until the complete delivery of medicines.”says Professor Vanegas.

Despite the situation, the teacher and her daughter have received help and support from colleagues and strangers to remedy the situation, however, the teacher says that These medicines cannot be bought in any drugstore, since they are of a master nature. Likewise, he says that he has written more than 12 emails and sent more than 28 messages to the Fiduprevisora, with the support of the minor’s medical history to expedite the process, but it has not been successful.

Samantha cannot live without the medication, so her life is at risk in a matter of hours, as she may have an electrolyte disorder and suffer a crisis.. She had maintained the treatment during April and May thanks to the union’s allies who found the medicine in Quindío, a teacher supplied us with the medicine on loan, but when the teacher saw that the medicine was already gone, the problem began. Since it was my daughter and her son without the medications, then with this that they gave me last Thursday, we divided and in my will as a mother, I returned what she had lent me, therefore, Samantha does not have all of her drugs, because this week they are running out,” says the teacher.

The teachers hope that today’s sit-in will resonate with the national government and Fiduprevisora ​​so that no more obstacles arise in the medical procedures of teachers and their families.

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