The Ministry of Health recommends returning to the mask

The Ministry of Health recommends returning to the mask
The Ministry of Health recommends returning to the mask

Cases of influenza A in Santa Fe: the Ministry of Health recommends “returning to the mask”

The city of Santa Fe goes through a sharp increase in respiratory symptoms with flu symptoms. According to a study carried out at the Cullen Hospital and in private institutes, influenza A is detected in almost all cases. In this context, the secretary of Health of the province, Andrea Uboldi recommended “returning to the mask”.

In dialogue with ONE 106.3Dr. Uboldi assured: “We are in a time of respiratory infections, particularly the predominance of the coronavirus. influenza Ain a variety called H3N2“.

According to the official, the impact occurs mainly in preschoolers, schoolchildren, adolescents and adults. In this regard, he stated: “This is conditioning the increase in outpatient consultations at all points, in offices and in health centers. We also have an increase in guards.”

“We are going through what we call, at this time of year, the high demand for inpatient consultations“said Uboldi. In the same sense, the doctor reported: “There is a percentage of global occupation with the greatest impact in the south of the province, in Rosario, followed by Santa Fe, Rafaela and with the least impact in Venado and Reconquista. With a bed occupancy percentage of between 80% and 90%”.

Recommendations to take care of your health

The secretary emphasized: “It’s time to use what we learned in the pandemic.” In that sense, he recommended: “Try to be outdoors more than inside, ventilate the rooms once a day, and wash your hands frequently or use alcohol gel when you return home, use public transportation or return from work and avoid cough on each other.”

It is a time to return to the maskespecially those people who have serious health problems, older adults or people who have chronic problems and health personnel,” said Uboldi.

In addition, the doctor assured: “It has been proven that the mask, with what we learned in the pandemic and with what could be proven through studies, is a barrier to reducing spread in the community.”

On the other hand, the Secretary of Health reflected: “This moment is going to be a moment of work and school absenteeismlinked to the fact that people who have a significant fever should exclude themselves and not go to school or work.


“Fortunately, we started very early with the vaccination. Covering the highest risk groups, those over 65. We did very active work in nursing homes and places with long-term stays for older adults,” said the secretary and then thanked the work carried out by the vaccination team.

Uboldi recalled that the vaccine “has a goal that It is not avoiding cases of flubut to avoid hospitalization and complications.” He also said: “The vaccine is available and is intended for pregnant women, children between six months and two years, those over 65, health personnel and fundamentally those with underlying problems.”

He also assured that “the vaccine is a protection not only for this variety of flu, but also for two other varieties that are circulating with low impact.”

READ MORE: Wave of respiratory symptoms: specialists affirm that the majority of cases detected in Santa Fe are influenza A

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