Photo fines in Neuquén and a video that ignites controversy very close to the center

Photo fines in Neuquén and a video that ignites controversy very close to the center
Photo fines in Neuquén and a video that ignites controversy very close to the center

According to the motorist LMNeuquénit happened this Wednesday, around 2 p.m., from street Catriel and Roca, to Raúl Soldi.

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Claudio Espinoza

Other drivers from Neuquén were critical regarding the prices of photo tickets, the state of the streets and the complexity of traveling through a downtown that during peak hours is small and collapsed.

Jose Guaytima indicated that The streets are “in terrible condition”. He even warned that Avenida Argentina, where many cameras converge, is too narrow to avoid the traffic jam that exists during peak hours. The postcard is similar to the entrance and exit of schools. An emblematic case is Roca and Bouquet Roldán streets, where two schools and a kindergarten are concentrated, and there is not a single inspector regulating traffic. “With these fines, it is more expensive to live in Neuquén than in Miami”he ironized.

Juan Servi, Another neighbor also noticed the poor condition of several streets and added: “If the traffic lights were well synchronized so as not to cause traffic jams, people would not be in such a hurry.”…it is incredible how the victims themselves celebrate this fundraising measure.” Yes, there are neighbors who support this measure because “we are children of rigor.”

Trailer without license plate or lights

“At least change the timing of the traffic lights. They last very little, and if we add the invasion of buses, the chances of being on the pedestrian line are very high.“he warned Franco Elgueta. “They should establish the duration of the yellow, some have longer than others that last less than a second,” added Adrián Callegari.

The observation is not minor considering that of the infractions committed, half plus one were for crossing red traffic lights and the rest were for invading the pedestrian path.

Without going any further, Elgueta commented on his case: “On Belgrano and Salta streets, when I was driving, I had a vehicle in front of me and a bus stopped on the side. I want to cross, but on the other side of Salta the street had filled up and, therefore, Therefore, I couldn’t stay blocking the traffic, so I stopped. When I wanted to go back, since I ended up on the path, I couldn’t do it because the bus had stopped. I just hope that the three seconds of recording were enough. …”

Excessive fines

For Lidia Soler, “the fines are very excessive at a time when there is not enough money to make ends meet” and she threw out the idea that the first sanction should be, in any case, a wake-up call. “Mand it seems that they got out of hand with the costs, We are not all oil workers… nor is the goal to increase the coffers, I suppose.“, he noted Marta Freich.

“So much money they spent on this system (…) why didn’t they first invest in making asphalt like the people. There is not a single street that does not have holes, potholes, speed bumps, parks on top of other fractured cement patches; and not even talk about the sidewalks. There are speed totems but there are no pedestrian paths painted many years ago. Not to mention the neighborhoods that are still without asphalt. Come on, keep putting in cameras,” another neighbor complained.

Another driver half-celebrated the implementation of the photo fines, for the same reason as others: the fundraising goal. “The value is disproportionate to the purchasing power of the car owner. You get a very heavy fine and you lose everything. It is disproportionate and too much punishment“It seems to me that the punishment should be for those who do commit an accident,” he stated.

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Although he considered that the use of a seat belt is actually a personal protection measure and should not be controlled, he clarified that it is correct to penalize the use of a cell phone while driving. “I have used it and I know that it is very distracting. The belt is for taking care of yourself but with the cell phone you can kill someone,” he said.

A taxi driver who was in the middle of her work shift said that The measure is correct but he considered that there is no clarity about how it will be applied to taxi drivers, especially with the contraventions of the double line. “In hotels we have a place to wait for passengers but in buildings we don’t and sometimes they take a while to get off,” she said, adding that they should offer workers in the sector a longer tolerance time. “There is always insults and honking because they take a long time to get off,” she said.

“We are in the eye of the storm and on the street all day,” said the taxi driver, who asked for consideration for those who work transporting passengers. “It is also important that pedestrians cross where they should, because sometimes pedestrians cross in the middle of the street and we have to stop on either side. It should be even for everyone so that we can circulate accordingly,” he questioned.

The highest violations

After a week of testing and two days of collection, crimes were committed. 546 infractions in total, of which 279 are for crossing the red light and 267 are for invading the pedestrian path. Translated into percentages, these infractions are very even: just barely, with 51%, the type of infraction that leads the ranking is crossing on red. Most offenders risked paying the most expensive fine of all.

Because it crosses red, there is a minimum of $159,000 and a maximum of $1,192,500. There is the possibility of accessing a 50 percent discount if the offender makes a voluntary payment.

The first data from the system also analyzes the violation domain. Thus, it is preliminarily concluded that we do not have to look far to find the offenders. The majority are local, that is, they have their vehicle based in Neuquén capital. Of the total fines generated, 546, There are 320 offenders residing in this city, compared to 226 who are from outside. As a percentage, they represent 59% of the total photomults.

Let us remember that the Municipality calibrated 46 cameras out of a total of 100 that will work in the first stage. Later, it is planned to incorporate another 113 teams in different corners with traffic lights in the city. Crossing on red will be penalized, invade the pedestrian pathdriving without a seat belt, using a cell phone, turning left or parking in double row.

photomult statistics

Most of the offenders are neighbors who reside in this city.

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