Heavy snowfall is expected this holiday Monday in Neuquén and Río Negro: the compromised areas

Shortly before winter begins, warnings for heavy snowfall in the west of Neuquén and Río Negro began to become more common and This holiday Monday will not be the exception. From the National Meteorological Service (SMN) They issued a yellow alert for snowwhich will cover the entire mountain range of both provinces.

The last part of the organization expects “snowfall of varying intensity, some heavy, cThey have accumulated between 30 and 45 cm, and can be exceeded occasionally.“, without ruling out the occurrence of mixed rain and snow in lower areas.”

In addition, it issued another alert, but for wind. He will rule on Monday in the central and northern area of ​​Neuquén, with gusts that will average between 50 and 65 km/h and even 90 km/h.

Snow alert in Neuquén: the sectors it will affect

The lakes: In this region, which includes, for example, towns such as Villa La Angostura and Villa Traful, the alert will be in effect on Monday morning.

Huiliches Mountain Range – Lácar Mountain Range – South of Aluminé: The alert in this area, where towns such as San Martín de los Andes and Junín de los Andes are located, will extend from morning to afternoon on Monday.

Aluminé Mountain Range – Chos Malal Mountain Range – Loncopué Mountain Range – Minas Mountain Range – Picunches Mountain Range – Ñorquín Mountain Range: The risk of heavy snowfall ranges from Monday morning to the evening of the same day. In this sector are, among other cities, Chos Malal, Caviahue, Villa Pehuenia and Andacollo.

Wind alert in Neuquén: the sectors it will affect

East of Loncopué – East of Picunches – East of Ñorquín – West of Añelo – West of Pehuenches – South of Chos Malal – South of Minas: The warning is for the afternoon of Monday the 17th.

Aluminé Mountain Range – Chos Malal Mountain Range – Loncopué Mountain Range – Minas Mountain Range – Picunches Mountain Range – Ñorquín Mountain RangeIn this case, intense gusts are also expected in the afternoon.

Snow alert in Río Negro: the sectors it will affect

Bariloche – Pilcaniyeu Mountain Range – Ñorquincó Mountain Range: The snow alert is for next Monday morning. It includes, in addition to Bariloche, El Bolsón.

What does a yellow alert mean?

According to what the SMN reports on its official website, yellow alerts are issued for “possible meteorological phenomena with the potential for damage and risk of momentary interruption of daily activities.”

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