Cúcuta: Subsidy payments for landslides reactivated

Cúcuta: Subsidy payments for landslides reactivated
Cúcuta: Subsidy payments for landslides reactivated

According to the entity, the reactivation process would be in the hands of the mayor of the area affected by the delivery of documentation.

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The National Unit for Disaster Risk Management revealed that since January 2020 it was in charge of delivering housing rental subsidies in the department of Cúcuta, in Norte de Santander, for families affected by heavy rains. that generated landslides in that area of ​​the country.

According to the entity,There are 101 families affected for 4 years in the department of Cúcuta, in the 23 de Enero neighborhood. In turn, the entity indicated thatSince December, it has disbursed funds of up to $86,313,868,which ensures coverage of subsidies until December 2023.

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However, the payment of subsidies was stopped for several months due to corruption and budget management scandals within the entity. The current director also pointed out that another factor that influenced was the change of administration within Risk Management. .

For his part, Carlos Carrillo, general director of the UNGRD, emphasized the entity’s continuous commitment to the resources destined for those affected by natural disasters.“We urgently call on the Mayor’s Office to expedite the delivery of the necessary documentation,which will allow us to move forward without delays in the delivery of subsidies for the coming quarters,” stated Carrillo.

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Finally, the entity explained thatAs established in resolution 0483 of 2023, the UNGRD makes these disbursements every three months, as long as the territorial authority, in this case the Mayor’s Office of Cúcuta,Present the documentation required to legalize the transfers.

Currently, the entity is waiting for the Mayor’s Office to send the necessary information to proceed with the payments corresponding to the 2024 period.


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