A hundred professionals from Primary Health Care APS Coquimbo participated in a course on pelvic floor pathologies « UCN news up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte

A hundred professionals from Primary Health Care APS Coquimbo participated in a course on pelvic floor pathologies « UCN news up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte
A hundred professionals from Primary Health Care APS Coquimbo participated in a course on pelvic floor pathologies « UCN news up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte

The training aimed to update the primary care health team in the promotion, prevention and care of patients with pelvic floor pathology.

The course “Promotion, prevention and care of the patient with pelvic floor pathology in the context of the PHC” in Coquimbo, organized by the Kinesiology program of the Universidad Católica del Norte, had the participation of 96 professionals from the Department of Health of the Municipality of Coquimbo, who acquired valuable knowledge and tools to improve the care of patients with an often underdiagnosed condition.

During the two days of work, crucial topics for the comprehensive care of these pathologies were addressed, providing medical professionals, midwives and kinesiologists at the Coquimbo Family Health Centers with essential skills for the interdisciplinary management of these conditions.

“The great contribution is that it has made it possible to make visible and have strategies to address these pathologies that are still underdiagnosed and underreported, but above all very normalized. For example, people believe that if you are older it is normal to have urinary incontinence. In addition, we have been able to learn what we can do from APS to help these patients, because not everyone has the possibility of receiving quick care at a secondary level,” said Daniela Mansilla Oyarzo, kinesiologist and teacher coordinator of the training.

For the organizing team, the success of this training was possible thanks to the commitment and dedication of the participants; as well as the facilitators, whose experience and knowledge were fundamental.


Health care at the primary level is vital to meet the needs of a high percentage of the population, effectively responding to both acute and chronic problems. In this sense, it is essential to keep the knowledge of health professionals updated to improve the resolution of care and control the referral of patients to more complex centers.

“The important thing is that it helps us prioritize a pathology that is underdiagnosed and, additionally, be able to make an early approach, carrying out all the complementary studies within APS, to be able to differentiate which patients are a priority when making a timely referral for care. secondary education and, of course, improve the quality of life of users, since this has biopsychosocial repercussions,” explained Jacky Oñate Peralta, doctor at Cesfam in Tierras Blancas.

Meanwhile, for the kinesiologist at Cesfam de Tierras Blancas, Javier Bello Valenzuela, it was “a very enriching day from a professional point of view, and as part of a work team, because it gives me tools to apply in my professional work.” and, also, know how to refer my coworkers when appropriate. “This way we can help ensure that the patient does not go through long periods of time with a problem that affects his quality of life.”

This training activity not only improved the technical capabilities of the participants, but also strengthened the commitment of the Health Department of the Municipality of Coquimbo to comprehensive, quality care for all patients.

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