The Festival is here, the Festival is here! • The nation

The Festival is here, the Festival is here! • The nation
The Festival is here, the Festival is here! • The nation

Important things are happening in Neiva. And I’m not referring to the sale of La Nación to its new owner Felipe Olave (which we hope implies a true transformation that the newspaper needs and not one of those “Petrist 360° changes”), but rather that we are already breathing very good folklore 24/7 with a very interesting agenda. Last Friday the 14th at the Jorge Villamil Music Park was the inauguration of the 63rd San Pedro festivities.

Many details to highlight because the desire was noted (confirmed in the events so far) for the parties to be popular again, for the tradition to be recovered! More than 300 artists were on stage that day, in the company of all the candidates, with a light show and something key, completely filled with more than 10,000 grateful spectators who have been accompanying with pure enthusiasm. That first event called “History and tradition, identity actions for a great Huila” filled us with cultural manifestations for 2 and a half hours.

The municipal administration in the hands of the Secretariats of Culture and Competitiveness, together with Communications and their departmental counterparts, showed an attractive spectacle and desire to do things better. Luckily, how it starts is as follows and how good San Pedro 2024 is so far!

“And so, and so, and so I like it, that you continue to love Neiva as Neiva loves you” this phrase was interpreted and repeated by Mayor Germán Casagua together with the smiling social manager María Juliana Parra and thus they closed singing the original, applauded and unexpected rajaleñas. They got the attendees to stand up! It contrasted with the well-intentioned formality that, before that, Governor Rodrigo Villalba showed reading, to demonstrate his extensive knowledge, on stage (numerous presenters continue repeating “exenario” as if it had an “x”…). To stoically highlight the worthy daughter, who was trying to smile, enduring 7 endless minutes of reading from her father, with nothing to do, attacked by insects and lights, they would have given her a line and she would surely overcome the moment!).

The closing of the event was impressive with the group Alfandoque, offering an original show of native music. The powerful fireworks lit up the sky for more than 15 minutes. We must evolve in this sense in honor of animal peace and look for other sustainable ways to bring closure to something so incredible. He left the ball here before Colombia’s first match in the Copa América (which I hope after so many years I manage to win!).

Let us love Neiva, which is our home, in every action, let us support tourists and artists, let us be supportive, let us create a welcoming environment for those who dare to come, who, I hope, will want to return! The annual festivities can become an international engine of income generation, and at the rate we are going, they seem to be going well. So far, a total success. Standing ovation. Let the festivities continue in peace and without chairs in the sacred public space!

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