A group of Chinese astronauts achieve the record for hours working outside the ship

A group of Chinese astronauts achieve the record for hours working outside the ship
A group of Chinese astronauts achieve the record for hours working outside the ship

A team of Chinese astronauts from the Tiangong Space Station has just broken the world record for staying outside a space station

The Tiangong Space Station is managed solely by the Chinese Government. Wikipedia

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As the years go by, we have seen continuous improvement when it comes to the space race. The last milestone achieved has been the ability of two astronauts to pass outside the Tiangong space station of Chinese origin. This is an episode that allows us to understand the multiple improvements that have been introduced over the years in terms of aerospace engineering. What has led these professionals to spend more than a third of a day outside the facilities?

Chinese astronauts break record for hours spent outside a space station

The Tiangong Space Station, a Chinese option that is analogous to the International Space Station (ISS), has received a series of improvements in terms of protection against possible impacts from special debris. The work has been carried out by astronauts Ye Guangfu and Li Guangsu, which has allowed them to establish this new world record. This station, which orbits about 350 kilometers from Earth, has witnessed the longest spacewalk.

This mission had become essential in recent weeks after the impact suffered by the solar panels. This small incident caused a loss of power in the electrical system, so it had to be introduce a series of additional reinforcements to prevent the problem from getting worse. The placement of the entire structure and the corresponding welding were what caused a delay worth several hours. Inside the Station there was an additional astronaut, who performed support functions.

Eliminating space debris is not an easy task, so resorting to establishing additional barriers has become one of the best proposals. According to South China Morning Post, There are already 16 walks that Chinese crews have carried out around the space station. It is expected that over the next few months more expeditions will take place in order to check the security systems present on the platform.

It should be remembered that the Tiangong Space Station It is the result of the lack of presence of China in plans related to the International Space Station. This caused the Asian country to decide to establish its own base hundreds of kilometers from Earth. From these facilities, various research projects are carried out with the aim of anticipating future innovations against the Western framework.

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