Alarm in Mendoza due to increase in syphilis

Person with syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease (Photo My midwife)

In Mendoza, cases of syphilis among young people have increased, generating concern among health professionals. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), every day more than one million people between 15 and 49 years old contract a curable sexually transmitted infection (STI). Mendoza reflects this statistic with a rate of 68.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 2022, exceeding the national average of 57.7.


The Provincial Reproductive Health Program acknowledges a recent increase in cases and suggests there may be underreporting, as syphilis does not require mandatory notification. Valentina Albornoz, head of the program, explained that the most affected age group is 19 to 25 years old.

Beyond protection problems, specialists highlight an urgent need for sexual education based on values ​​and respect for health.

el fortin june 2021

Gynecologist Adrián Romera stated that young people have lost the “fear of the disease” and mentioned a new “sexual culture” characterized by casual contacts and disregard for the consequences of STIs.

Although information is available, its access is limited, which highlights the importance of advancing sexual awareness and education campaigns that promote solid values ​​and responsibility. Young people often avoid medical check-ups unless they present symptoms, and many infections are detected late, when they have already caused complications.

publ Apr 4

The Ministry of Health carries out rapid testing operations to detect diseases in people without symptoms, remembering that condoms are a resource accessible free of charge in all health centers and hospitals, without the need for a medical prescription.

With 8 million cases of syphilis in the world during 2022, America represents 42% of new reported infections. In Argentina, the syphilis rate was 57.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, showing an increase compared to pandemic and pre-pandemic levels.

publ feb 2024

Syphilis, a sexually transmitted bacterial infection, can be easily treated and cured with penicillin if detected early. The Huésped Foundation highlights the importance of free blood tests available in the public health system.

The current situation in Mendoza highlights the urgency of implementing comprehensive, values-based sexual education that promotes respect, responsibility and health care.

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