The FIRE movement is the key to retiring before 30 for this young woman from Generation Z. Her plan is an unhealthy mix of teleworking and sacrifice

  • He has two teleworks and accumulates more than 65 hours of work per week

  • He assures that the sacrifice will allow him to turn work into something optional

Not content with the possibility of teleworking, enjoying flexible hours, or even pointing towards a future in which the four-day workday is a reality for everyone, there are young people from Generation Z who want to go further. they want retire before 30and to do so they have embraced the FIRE movement that has become a trend on Reddit.

Recently one of those young women began to share her experience through TikTok to try to spread the word. FIRE. From the acronym in English that translates as “financial independence, early retirement”, the FIRE movement was born on Reddit with the aim of pursuing a life in which work is optionalwhich means accumulating a lot of money as soon as possible to live on income for the rest of your life.

The FIRE movement and teleworking

In her example, this young woman claims that she began to consider this current of thought after finishing university. He had been holding down two remote jobs for several years to pay for college and, with no option to grow in his field or reach one of those high-paying positions he saw among his friends, when he finished his studies he stayed on the same path.

He bought an apartment that he now rents, lives with his family, and maintains a teleworking job from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon in the world of marketing, and another from 5 to 10 at night, also remotely, for service. to the client. He assures that between one thing and another he spends about 65 hours a week working, and that before he also did it on weekends, but now It’s starting to take its toll on him. and is approaching burnout.

Despite not being very demanding jobs, lack of sleep and fatigue have begun to take their toll on their stress level. Furthermore, he has had to sacrifice hobbies and friendships to be able to maintain that pace of life, and he recognizes that during the last months of the year he does not even get to see the light of the Sun.

Its objective is to invest 70% of all your income to reach a point where work is a matter of desire rather than necessity: “I know it’s not good for my physical and mental health or my sleep, but I’m so focused on my goal that I’m willing to sacrifice a few More years”. Unfortunately, getting rich in a short time is an increasingly widespread mentality that, between multi-jobs and movements like FIREmay end up exploding in the face of more than one.

Image | Andrew Neel

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