UN chief tells consumer tech companies: Own the harm your products cause

UN chief tells consumer tech companies: Own the harm your products cause
UN chief tells consumer tech companies: Own the harm your products cause

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday called on big consumer technology companies to take responsibility and “recognize the harm their products inflict on people and communities.”

Pointing to the companies, which he did not name, and their social media platforms, he said: “You have the power to mitigate harm to people and societies around the world. You have the power to change the business models that benefit of misinformation and hate.

It warned that “opaque algorithms push people into information bubbles and reinforce prejudices, including racism, misogyny and discrimination of all kinds,” with common targets being women, refugees, migrants and minorities.

Guterres was speaking at a news conference to launch a set of UN global principles for information integrity, which he called a starting point for combating disinformation, disinformation and hate speech.

“Some stakeholders bear an inordinate responsibility,” he added. “For them, I have a clear message: We demand action.”

He said advertisers and the PR industry must stop monetizing harmful content, citing the climate crisis.

“Creatives: don’t use your talents for greenwashing. PR agencies: look for clients that won’t mislead people or destroy our planet,” Guterres said.

He urged media outlets to raise and enforce editorial standards and “find advertisers who are part of the solution, not the problem,” while saying governments must commit to a free, viable, independent and plural media landscape. .

Guterres also told governments to: “Ensure that regulations respect human rights. Refrain from drastic measures, including blanket internet shutdowns. Respect the right to freedom of opinion and expression.”

Last week, US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy called for a warning label to be added to social media apps to remind them that these platforms have caused harm to young people, especially teenagers.

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