Milei: “There is no country in the world where they do not recognize our titanic task to lower inflation” – Politics

President Javier Milei assured that in the world they highlight the “titanic task” that the Government carries out to reduce inflation, at the same time that he proposed that they “weight social policy” which he described as “extremely good” because, otherwise , “It would have been a catastrophe.”

“There is no country in the world where they do not recognize our titanic task in terms of lowering inflation, the fiscal adjustment that we are making,” raised from the Czech Republic.

Along the same lines, he indicated: “Far from questioning social policy, they consider it because they understand that, faced with an adjustment of this caliber, social policy has had to be extremely good because, if we had not acted correctly, it would have been a catastrophe.”

Regarding his recent visit to Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic, the president maintained that it was “an excellent trip” that allowed him to have “a very positive meeting” with the president of the community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and with the chancellor, Olaf Scholz. “The German minister asked us about how the economic program was working given that it has an important weight within the International Monetary Fund, what the future prospects were,” revealed.

“We were also talking about some problems that German companies had in Argentina and how we were making progress in solving these problems. We addressed issues regarding natural resources of extreme importance for Germany and that would be motivating many investments to be made in Argentina and we were discussing Argentina’s entry into the OECD (The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) and NATO and what it has What to see in the sense of integration between Mercosur and the European economic community“, detailed the head of state in dialogue with Radio Miter.

The economic reality

In another passage of the interview, Milei highlighted the food inflation policy of the third week of June, which was 0%: “That means that we are on the right path, there is still a long way to go but there are signs that things are working.”

In addition, he stressed that he will not promote a new devaluation as clarified by the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo: “It is false,” he specified.

“There are sectors for which it is convenient for there to be salaries in low dollars and poorer and more indigent people and we believe that the situation works differently,” said the President.

Likewise, he described the legislators who promoted a modification of retirement mobility as “fiscal degenerate deputies” by stating that “the coup attempt to destabilize and break the fiscal balance by certain opposition groups caused the price of bonds to fall.” ”.

“The Argentine problem is not a monetary problem, it is one of competitiveness, and that cannot be fixed by devaluing. It’s like believing that people can increase the amount of meat they eat simply because it prints money. “Wealth is not printed, it is generated,” he concluded.

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