Nicolas Cage’s version of Spider-Man Noir comes to life in incredible fan trailer

Stunning fan trailer shows Nicolas Cage as scheming Spider-Man Noir

Spider-Man Noir is a dark version of the iconic character

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A fan trailer inspired by the next production of Spider-Man Noir has generated a lot of expectation among spectators who are waiting to see Nicolas Cage joining Marvel. It has already been confirmed that the series Spider-Man Noir of sony finally made the decision to have Nicolas Cage for the lead role. This was the first big step in pre-production. Even so, this is not the first time that the actor takes on a role as this iconic character. A few years ago, Nicolas Cage He already played an animated version of the character in Spider-Man: a new universe and Spider-Man: Crossing the Multiverse.

Stunning fan trailer shows Nicolas Cage as scheming Spider-Man Noir

For now it is not known how different the interpretation will be. Nicolas Cage as Spider-Man Noir. It has been in Youtube where ScreenCulture has been responsible for sharing a conceptual preview that compiles up to three projects made by fans inspired by the figure of Spider-Man Noir. Likewise, the three videos that take shape as part of this unofficial trailer capture the film noir style of the source material practically to perfection.

Throughout the last decade, Spider-Man has become one of the most exploited franchises in Marvel. A good number of incredible versions of Spider-Man have already been seen with the arrival of the animated films of the Spider-Versebut the darkest is possibly the one embodied by Spider-Man Noir. Spider-Man Noir has always stood out for being braver than anyone Spider-Man that has been on the big screen. Leaving aside the characteristic cheerful personality and humor of Peter Parker, Spider-Man Noir is a silent hero who lurks in the shadows as he attacks his enemies.

At the same time, Marvel showed that Spider-Man Noir attacks brutally, without fear of using lethal force to neutralize those it considers to be its targets. The fact that Spider-Man Noir of Nicolas Cage probably over 60 years old in the series also makes a big difference with most of the stories of Spider-Man that have been seen so far in the cinema.

On the other hand, it may Nicolas Cage’s interpretation The character’s character will probably be even more cynical than the original comic book character. If she has survived long enough to reach age 60, this Spider-Man Noir must have gone through many heartbreaking experiences that markedwithout a doubt, the course of his life up to what it is now.

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