The Miguel Induráin Foundation grants 181 scholarships to Navarrese athletes | Sports

The Miguel Induráin Foundation grants 181 scholarships to Navarrese athletes | Sports
The Miguel Induráin Foundation grants 181 scholarships to Navarrese athletes | Sports

A total of 181 Navarrese athletes have received this Tuesday a scholarship from the Miguel Indurain Fundazioa Foundation (FMIF), which has distributed 336,700 euros among those designated for results obtained in different sports disciplines, assigned to one of the four contemplated programs. Among them the best known on the regional scene, Ariane Toro, Sergio Fernández, Maitane Melero, Manu and Nico Quijera, June Kintana, Maitane Melero, Estibaliz Sagardoy, Jaione Equisoain, Ivan Salguero or Beatriz Zudaire, among many others to add up to 181 in different modalities sports. Of all of them, two athletes are still waiting for their last opportunities to attend the Paris Olympic Games.

There are 25 more scholarships than last year, 107 in the Olympic program and by result (286,000 euros), 26 in the adapted sport program (23,850 euros), 27 in the Basque pelota program (18,100 euros) and the remaining 21 in the program by Herri Kirolak (8,750 euros), was announced at the Gala held at the Navarra Arena, with the attendance of a good part of the scholarship athletes.

This is a scholarship that is awarded to athletes who earn less than 40,000 euros annually from their sport. The manager of the foundation, Ernesto Modrego, explained: It is a help for them so that they can continue as much as possible with their activity and then go as far as their own body and their capacity allows them, not at least not to cut themselves off for something. of lack of money a sporting career”.

Also attending were the Minister of Culture and Sports, Rebeca Esnaola; the managing director of the FMIF, Ernesto Modrego: and the honorary president, Miguel Induráin, who has been honored for his upcoming 60th birthday with an illustration composed of photographs of numerous people who have benefited from one of the scholarships carried by his name throughout these years.

At the event, Esnaola highlighted the “work, effort, dedication and commitment” of all of them, which is recognized today through these scholarships that “symbolize strength and support. We want to support you and be witnesses of your sporting career, grow together to you, celebrate the victories and learn from the defeats.

“You make sport a lifestyle through values ​​such as discipline, teamwork, perseverance or resilience. All of them are fundamental for the comprehensive formation of a healthy and cohesive society. Values ​​that transcend the field of sports and those of you who are bearers as an example for the Navarrese youth”, applauded the counselor.

He has also valued the work of the Foundation, which since 1998 has provided scholarships to a thousand athletes, of which more than 25 have participated in the Olympic and Paralympic Games. For his part, Ernesto Modrego has provided the counterpoint to a day of celebration to “talk about the opposite: frustration”, which is “as inherent to sport as euphoria. Everyone loses more competitions than they win.” or you don’t meet your goals every day. For this reason, he has recommended to combat it “work more and better or change the way of working. But, above all, remember that sport comes from play, and that this is enjoyment. Enjoy sport and we will enjoy it with you,” he concluded.

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