Donald Trump returns to Washington in search of support – Escambray

Donald Trump returns to Washington in search of support – Escambray
Donald Trump returns to Washington in search of support – Escambray

It is the first visit to the Capitol area since the assault by a mob of his supporters on the headquarters of Congress on January 6, 2021

Trump will try to show unity in the conservative ranks ahead of the elections that will take place in less than five months. (Photo: PL).

Former United States President Donald Trump, virtual candidate of the Republican Party (GOP) for the November 5 elections, returns to Washington today to meet with congressmen and senators from his party in search of loyalties.

In the first visit to the Capitol area since the assault by a mob of his supporters on the headquarters of Congress on January 6, 2021, Trump will try to show unity in the conservative ranks ahead of the elections that will take place in less than five months.

It will also be the first meeting of the former president (2017-2021) with legislators since last month the unanimous verdict of a jury in New York found him guilty of falsifying business records to buy the silence of a porn actress in 2016 with whom he had an affair. affair.

The Trump campaign anticipated that the former president will hold private and separate meetings with representatives and senators at a Republican club located near Congress.

The objective is “to work together and promote policies that save the United States,” sources from his team explained to The Washington Post.

According to reports, the head of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, one of his most faithful allies in the legislature, said he was very excited to welcome “President Trump” back.

Despite his legal situation and all the charges against him, including for his role in the attack on the Capitol more than three years ago, the former president increased his control over the GOP and has guaranteed his nomination for the presidential election since March.

Trump arrives at the Capitol weeks before being sentenced for the Stormy Daniels case and shortly before the Republican National Convention, from July 15 to 18 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where his candidacy will be made official.

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