Registry provides facial recognition technology to the financial sector

Registry provides facial recognition technology to the financial sector
Registry provides facial recognition technology to the financial sector

The National Registry of Civil Status launched identity verification through facial biometrics in real time for access to products and services in the financial sector.

The above, through the Association of Banking and Financial Entities of Colombia (Asobancaria), with technology of the highest level that strengthens security measures, improves the user experience and opens paths towards the country’s financial inclusion.

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The announcement is made during the start of the 58th Banking Convention, after completing the pilot tests that began a year ago, with the identity validation of more than 1,500 clients and users of the financial system in 22 departments of Colombia, with the help of the Registry.

The national registrar, Hernan Penagosreleased details of this service through which the identity of citizens is confirmed in non-face-to-face procedures, with the validation process through the PIN of the digital ID (six-digit verification code), facial matching or both mechanisms.

“Identity verification by facial biometrics to access products and services from the financial sector in person and remotely will contribute to mitigating risks such as identity theft and fraud in financial transactions, generating more confidence in the procedures carried out under this modality. ”noted the registrar.

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This significant step in the articulation between the public and private sectors allows leverage in the database guarded by the National Registryand which is considered one of the most relevant information assets in the country, housing more than 58,200,000 photographic records.

Furthermore, facial recognition, due to the three-dimensional and dynamic nature of the face, demands a highly precise algorithm to carry out the comparison, which is why the Registry’s system uses measurements of more than 172 points or facial characteristics that maintain a Remarkable stability over time, regardless of aging or external influences.

“In this way, not only are they made available to Colombians the highest security standards, but also improves the financial user experience, since they will be able to use the cameras of their mobile devices, from anywhere, to carry out all types of transactions”said Jonathan Malagón, president of Asobancaria.

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Currently, 8 out of 10 Bank operations In our country they are carried out through mobile phones and the Internet, these being the preferred channels for Colombian consumers (more than 2,200 million transactions per year).

*With information from the National Registry of Civil Status

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