Family reports disappearance of “Desafinado” from Sábado Gigante – Publimetro Chile

Family reports disappearance of “Desafinado” from Sábado Gigante – Publimetro Chile
Family reports disappearance of “Desafinado” from Sábado Gigante – Publimetro Chile

The alert was made by Mario Mancilla, nephew of Carlos Rosales, who is known as “El Desafinado” from “Sábado Gigante”.

As Mancilla explained to Advertising meteryour uncle “It was lost on Monday, June 10 and to date there is no news” of his whereabouts. Furthermore, he confirmed that Rosales “has the beginning of Alzheimer’s and diabetes”.

Likewise, the nephew maintained that the man’s trace was lost in the “Jesuit street of Villa Ahukanche in the commune of Padre Hurtado”.

According to the family member, Carlos Rosales was wearing a “Navy blue thermal pants, a plaid shirt, blue parka and damask-colored shoes”.

Finally, Mario Mancilla did “a call to our neighbors, to the community to report any evidence that allows us to find my uncle Carlos Rosales, last seen on Monday, June 10 in the Ahukanche village in Padre Hurtado.”

Claim to fame

Although 48 years have passed since his appearance on the Sábado Gigante program, Carlos Rosales is still in the public’s memory.

The 78-year-old man went down in history as “El Desafinado de Sábado Gigante”, when in 1976 he tried to sing “You want to be my lover”, by Camilo Sesto, however, he was immediately rejected by the Jackal of the Trumpet.

In an interview conducted by the program What the public says! from Channel 13, explained that on that occasion “my nerves got to me, before that I never sang so badly.” However, she had her revenge by performing the Spanish singer’s song again, after receiving singing lessons.

According to an interview given to La Cuarta in 2019, Carlos Rosales recalled the episode that made him rise to fame:

Afterwards everyone gave me sizes. In the past they told me sing it again poh, Rosales. The boss told me it doesn’t matter Carlitos, I told him They got on my nerves, but it would be better if it happened that way.“I continued singing there at work, I was the idol for the boss.”

Rosales explained that it was thanks to his boss that he went to Sábado Gigante. “He told me to go sing. During construction he sang all kinds of songs, but he liked those of Camilo Sesto; I like it too, but also He had other idols, such as Salvatore Adamo, Leo Dan, Neil Diamond and Elvis Presley. But Since he told me to sing that song I started practicing it. I sang it every day, but because of my nerves, that cock came out.”.

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